
Защо Европа завива наляво

Победата на германската Социалдемократическа партия беше очаквана за всички, които следяха социологическите проучвания във федералната република. В Норвегия преди месец Партията на труда надви десните управляващи и така в скандинавските страни вече навсякъде управляват център-леви формации. Леви формации управляват в Испания и Португалия, а в Италия социал-демократите са сред важните …

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Με την πολιτική του Μπαλτάκου ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης

Δεν θα έπρεπε να ξαφνιάζεται κανείς με όσα συμβαίνουν αυτές τις μέρες στο ΕΠΑΛ της Σταυρούπολης. Είναι πολύς καιρός τώρα που τα υπολείμματα της ναζιστικής εγκληματικής οργάνωσης επιχειρούν να δώσουν σημεία ζωής. Επειδή μάλιστα η Χρυσή Αυγή έχει τριχοτομηθεί, σε ομάδες Μιχαλολιάκου, Λαγού και Κασιδιάρη, καθένα από τα τρία αποκόμματα …

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‘Pandora Papers’ expose offshore deals of Jordan’s king, Israelis

Over 500 Israelis were exposed in the massive “Pandora Papers” exposé revealing offshore dealings of hundreds of officials and businessmen. Former Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat and Jordanian King Abdullah II were among the hundreds of politicians, billionaires, celebrities, drug dealers, royal family members, and religious leaders exposed by the “Pandora …

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Is the Ron Arad announcement tied to Iran’s hitman in Cyprus? – analysis

Naftali Bennett’s reveal of Mossad op to find Ron Arad may be related to Iran’s attempted assassination of an Israeli businessman. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s vague and mysterious announcement in the Knesset on Monday that the Mossad had embarked on an operation to find more information on the fate of …

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The New Road To New Afghanistan – OpEd

Afghanistan has remained a battleground for International Powers throughout the history. 11th September 2001 profoundly modified the global scenario when the United States toppled down the Taliban government and took over Afghanistan. After twenty years in Afghanistan, the United States has finally left Afghanistan. History has again repeated itself and …

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Taliban Reportedly Rearming Tajik Militants, Moving Uyghur Fighters From Chinese Border

The Taliban has provided Tajik militants based along the border with Tajikistan with new military vehicles, weaponry, and other equipment over the past two weeks, security sources in Tajikistan and northeastern Afghanistan say, amid an ongoing military buildup on both sides of the frontier. The sources also told RFE/RL on …

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Pandora Papers: pod lupą bogacze, politycy, celebryci. Co to zmieni?

W największym śledztwie w historii dziennikarstwa pojawiają się nazwiska byłych i obecnych przywódców politycznych, wpływowych biznesmenów, monarchów i celebrytów. Pozostaje pytanie, czy te publikacje cokolwiek zmienią. Od niedzieli piszą na ten temat największe serwisy informacyjne. Ujawnienie wyników śledztwa Pandora Papers, nad którym pracowało ponad 600 dziennikarzy ze 117 krajów, wywołało …

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O mundo numa relação abusiva com a política e a finança

É importante ter noção que sem uma revolta global contra este estado de coisas os políticos não serão levados a agir, mesmo quando estamos à beira de uma crise e precisaremos de muito dinheiro para a evitar. Quando no ano de 2016 foram revelados os Panama Papers, uma fuga de …

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Inside the Pandora Papers

The Pandora Papers, a massive expose about the secret shell games and tax avoidance schemes of the world’s ultra-wealthy, has just hit headlines around the globe. See initial coverage here in The Washington Post and The Guardian. This colossal undertaking involved 600 journalists from 117 countries and was coordinated by …

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Big Pharma Fights Back

The Democrats have proposed paying for part of President Biden’s Build Back Better plan with $500 billion in savings on what the government will pay prescription drug companies through Medicare and other public programs over the next decade. The country currently pays the pharmaceutical industry over $500 billion annually for …

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