
The CIA Plot to Kidnap or Kill Julian Assange in London is a Story that is Being Mistakenly Ignored

Three years ago, on 2 October 2018, a team of Saudi officials murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The purpose of the killing was to silence Khashoggi and to frighten critics of the Saudi regime by showing that it would pursue and punish them as though …

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Más tensión en el mercado del gas

A la hora de señalar a los principales productores de gas del mundo de inmediato se nombran los yacimientos de los que Rusia dispone o los existentes en el norte de África, especialmente en territorio argelino. Suele así olvidarse que existe otro actor de gran peso en este mercado al …

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“Революция роз” 2.0. На Западе всерьёз взялись за грузинские выборы

Политолог Дмитрий Родионов — о том, для чего Запад затеял вторую революцию в Грузии, поручив это Мадлен Олбрайт, и как возвращение Саакашвили может спровоцировать толпу на беспорядки. Бывший президент Грузии, а ныне гражданин Украины Михаил Саакашвили, вернувшийся в страну после восьми лет эмиграции, задержан правоохранителями, его поместили в пенитенциарное учреждение, …

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Pandora Papers: Document dump allegedly links world leaders to secret wealth

Jordan’s King Abdullah, a close ally of the United States, was alleged to have used offshore accounts to spend more than $100 million on luxury homes in the United Kingdom and the United States. A massive leak of financial documents was published by several major news organizations on Sunday that …

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Nuclear Terrorist Australia, UK & US AUKUS Alliance Threatens Humanity

In a secret deal with the UK and the US for nuclear-powered submarines, Australia has stabbed France in the back, and torn up a huge, underway deal for conventional French submarines. The nuclear terrorist Australia, UK and US AUKUS Alliance threatens Australian security, sovereignty, coastal cities, and trade. It also …

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Pandora Papers: An Expose of the Rich and the Powerful Dodging Millions of Dollars in Taxes

Pandora Papers – recently leaked papers – show how some of the world’s elites accumulate property empires while avoiding millions of dollars in taxes. More than 100 billionaires and others have been exposed by the Pandora Papers obtained from 14 offshore banking institutions and analyzed by the International Consortium of …

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The Decline of American Leadership on the World Stage

For many years, it seems that the United States has been the country that everyone loves to hate. Many around the world beg for American assistance and support but also blast the U.S. for all its greatness and power. The U.S. is an easy target when it does not handle …

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Be British: don’t panic

Calm in a crisis used to be a national characteristic; now we panic at the drop of a hat. A loss of trust in the elite is to blame. An alarming number of Britons seem to have acquired a proclivity to act in a way we used to believe was …

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Victoria judicial y política del Polisario

La decisión del Tribunal General de la Unión Europea de anular los acuerdos agrícola y pesquero firmados en el 2018 entre la Comisión Europea y Marruecos, por no haber consultado adecuadamente al pueblo saharaui, supone una importante victoria jurídica y política para el Frente Polisario. El tribunal da un margen …

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Mali: Complot et menace contre le Mali: La France se dévoile !

La France a une fois encore averti. C’était le mercredi, 29 septembre 2021. Elle a fait savoir au Mali qu’il perdrait le « soutien de la communauté internationale » et abandonnerait des « pans entiers de sa souveraineté » s’il avait recours aux mercenaires de la société privée russe Wagner. …

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