
The French dilemma

In France, the executive has carefully avoided a reaction to the outcome of the German elections. However, in a Twitter post on 26 September, French President Emmanuel Macron used election day to talk about his EU vision and ambitions. He recalled his initiative for a “sovereign, unified and democratic Europe”, …

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The United States, the West and the ‘arc of chaos’

Former FBI agent Ali Soufan has investigated numerous terrorism cases, inside and outside the United States, including the 1998 US embassy bombings in East Africa and the 2000 attack on the guided-missile destroyer USS Cole. His role in shedding light on the 9/11 attacks also raised his profile. It is …

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Kremlin Moves to Label All Independent Journalists as Foreign Agents

President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin are each day moving closer to the era of the Soviet Union’s complete control of the information that the Russian people can see, hear, and read. Under the new “Foreign Agent” designation, the Kremlin can now crackdown on all independent news services and reports …

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Mali’s Proposed Deal With Russia’s Wagner Group Could Light up the Sahel

Mali’s discussions with the Russian Wagner Group have sparked intense debate among the European Union members deployed to Mali under a French-led coalition to defeat Islamic jihadists. The Wagner Group mercenary company is owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman with close links to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Mali is in …

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La «Lettre de la City»: la grande déconfiture de l’économie britannique

Près de deux ans après la sortie de l’UE, le Royaume-Uni paie aujourd’hui son impréparation face aux retombées du largage des amarres. L’économie bien comprise conduit tout naturellement à s’interroger sur le sens de notre société. Cette discipline, qui n’est pas que politique, invite à une pointe de philosophie, sans …

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Sarkozy scheiterte an sich selbst

Frankreichs Präsidenten stehen schon lange nicht mehr über dem Gesetz. Das zeigt auch das jüngste Urteil gegen Ex-Staatschef Sarkozy. In Deutschland kursieren viele Klischees über Frankreich. Dazu gehört, dass sich Frankreichs Präsidenten, die sich als Ersatz-Monarchen sehen, anders als ihre deutschen Pendants saftige Skandale leisten und dabei klammheimlich auch noch …

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Nicolas Sarkozy Ex-Präsident mit Fußfessel – starker Tobak für die “Grande Nation”

Auf den ersten Blick wirkt das Urteil gegen Frankreichs Ex-Präsidenten Nicolas Sarkozy streng, aber gerecht: schuldig wegen illegaler Finanzierung des Wahlkampfes von 2012. Ein Jahr Haft ohne Bewährung, mit Fußfessel im Hausarrest. Das Urteil suggeriert dem Wähler, dass die Republik mustergültig und die Justiz blind ist. Es vermittelt den oft …

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It’s time Israel got serious to tackle the Iran threat – opinion

Israel does not currently have an effective military plan in place against Iran’s nuclear installations, but everything should change in the near future. Here’s the good news: unless something extreme and dramatic happens, we will not be seeing Israeli F-35s or F-15s taking off in the next couple of years …

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Europe’s Center Has Held, but at What Cost?

Has the center held in Europe? The obvious answer would seem to be yes. As has been widely noted, parties on the extremes lost ground in Germany’s election this weekend compared to 2017. And across Europe, far-right and anti-establishment parties similarly seem to be receding in electoral and political relevance. …

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To Protect Women Migrants, Implement Feminist Migration Policies

When British Prime Minister Boris Johnson left the hospital in April 2020 after having been treated for COVID-19, he released a widely viewed video address in which he thanked the nurses that had cared for him. In singling out two for special mention—Jenny from New Zealand and Luis from Portugal—he …

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