
Wealthy Countries Are Backsliding on Asylum Rights

Last week, the British government introduced a bill that would allow asylum-seekers to be transferred outside the country while their claims are being processed. The measure, which was swiftly criticized by human rights groups, comes on the heels of a similar system being enacted in Denmark last month. On the …

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Will Sistani be the Last Legend? The Challenge of Succession and the Future of the Marj’aiyyah

For Shi’a Muslims, the highest-ranking religious authorities are known as marj’as, who serve as a reference point for emulation for laypeople (marj’a al-taqlīd). The position of the marj’a, known as the marj’aiyyah, has the exclusive right to issue religious rulings (fatwas). Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali …

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Najmaldin Karim: Islamic State is resurgent, dominated by locals

Kurdistan 24 spoke recently with Najmaldin Karim, who served as Governor of Kirkuk Province until Baghdad’s assault last October in an attack engineered by Qasim Soleimani, head of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

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The Project of Capital and the Project of the Proletariat in a time of World Crisis

ABSTRACT This is a response to the two sets of articles written by Sajai Jose on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and on the world’s and India’s hunger crisis. It is in two parts. In the first part it lays the historical background of the response of capital in the face …

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Жалкие лягушатники

Саркози, конечно, немного жаль, но — лишение свободы за незаконное финансирование президентской компании 2012 года… Ах, как это прекрасно звучит! Только немного смущает сумма: сто пятьдесят тысяч евро. Это детский сад какой-то. Это — на карманные расходы. А еще великая страна, называется… Где размах, Николя? А трахнуть Конституцию и пойти …

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Poland, Hungary cautious with Greens

“Potential change of government in Germany will not impact the Polish-German relations substantially”, says Agnieszka Łada-Konefał, vice-director of the German Institute of Polish Affairs in Darmstadt (Deutsches Polen-Institut in Darmstadt). “There is room for new accents. Poland shall remain an important partner for Germany and an important EU member state, …

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An ‘ideological’ stance toward Slovakia?

A potential German left-wing progressive government ruled by the SPD may be bad news for Slovakia and the Visegrad region. Especially with Die Linke in the coalition, said Milan Nič, the German Council on Foreign Relations analyst. Even without Die Linke in the government, Nič expects the new government’s stance …

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Conservative Kurz remains silent as progressives celebrate

The Austrian Green-chief congratulated his German sister party for their “best result in history” and says that the current constellation “is a great opportunity to enter government on the federal level.” The result of the German Greens is “good news for the future of our children in Europe,” he added. …

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EU Pivot To Asia – OpEd

The EU and Asia are undergoing rapid changes in an increasingly globalised World. The Asian trade community is gripped with fear and Asia’s economic growth will get to a slowdown because of the impact of coronavirus. The slowdown would be worse than the global financial crisis of 2008-09 and the …

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China Energy Risks Rise With AUKUS Security Deal – Analysis

China may face a significant challenge to its energy security if it tries to retaliate against Australia for plans to acquire nuclear submarine technology from the United Kingdom and the United States. On Sept. 16, Beijing blasted the announcement one day earlier that Australia will join in a new security …

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