
L’islamo-catholicisme de Patrick Buisson

Ce qui inquiète Patrick Buisson, ce ne sont pas les territoires perdus de la République mais les valeurs perdues de la France chrétienne. Quand il affirme avoir « plus de respect pour une femme voilée que pour une lolita en string », l’essayiste réactionnaire aurait-il, avec la société libérale, un …

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İbrahim Kahveci

Akıl tutulması Ali Babacan deyimi ile söyleyeceğim: “Eskiden de AK Partide slogancılar vardı ama bir de icraatçılar vardı. İcraatçılar gitti, geride slogancılar kaldı.” Evet, AK Parti’de ve ülke yönetiminde sloganlar, semboller ile çözüm arayan bir anlayış hakim. ABD’ye giderken sayın Biden ile başlayan övgü cümleleri, ABD’den dönüşte “Aramız hiç iyi …

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Зеленский блестяще имитирует борьбу с олигархами

Верховная рада Украины приняла во втором чтении закон «О предотвращении угроз национальной безопасности, связанных с чрезмерным влиянием лиц, имеющих значительный экономический или политический вес в общественной жизни» – больше известный под названием «закон об олигархах». Владимир Зеленский видит в этом огромное достижение, которое возвращает страну народу – и официальная пропаганда …

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Rise of centre-left in Germany

The big take-away of Germany’s first election of the post-Merkel era is that none of the parties has ‘won’ and each of the parties has reason to look miserable and feel disappointed with their performance. A new political landscape is struggling to be born. For the ruling Christian Democrats [CDU], …

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New Blocs, new conflicts

‘China eyes on Afghan copper’, ‘Pakistan has become the mistress of China’, ‘Britain is a lapdog of the America’, ‘France is furious over the submarine deal’, ‘India trying re-entry in Kabul through Iran via Russia’. The media across the globe has turned into a noisy circus with its fear-provoking news …

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Jordan to reopen border crossing with Syria

Jordan closed the Jaber border crossing in August due to security concerns amid fighting in southern Syria. Jordan originally supported the Syrian opposition in the civil war but has moved closer to the government recently. Jordan will reopen its border crossing with southern Syria this week, Jordan’s Interior Ministry announced …

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Hukuk far olmalı susturucu değil

Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca çıkıp televizyonda “Çocuklarınızı imam hatiplere göndermeyin” diye algılanan bir cümle etti. Kıyamet koptu. Doğma büyüme radikal İslamcı Cübbeli bir anda neredeyse dinsiz ilan edilecekti. O kadarı olmadı ama Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın kendisini dava edeceği yansıdı medyaya. Son derece iyi bir hekim olan Prof. Zafer Kurugöl bir röportajda …

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The German elections are good news for Macron

The German election result means that a three party coalition will almost certainly be needed to form a government. Olaf Scholz, the SPD leader, has made clear just now that he is going to try and form a coalition with the Greens and the Free Democrats. Scholz has a strong …

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Dal voto in Germania segnali di buona politica

Il riformismo liberale, sia che guardi a destra sia che guardi a sinistra, continua a governare i principali Paesi del continente e le istituzioni europee, dialoga con l’America di Biden, spera di far fronte comune con la Russia di Putin contro la volontà egemonica della Cina E così l’Spd è …

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The Government can’t shirk blame for the HGV driver shortage

To say that this problem is being faced across Europe is an abrogation of ministers’ own duty to do what they can to mitigate the effects Grant Shapps, the Transport Secretary, has called the panic buying of fuel a “manufactured situation” deliberately engineered to pressure the Government over the shortage …

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