
Pero de qué mercado hablan?

Casado y las eléctricas han reaccionado indignados contra el plan del Gobierno para reducir el precio de la luz. Acusan a Sánchez de intervenir el mercado, cuando lo que hay es un oligopolio de manual y un sistema escandaloso de fijación de precios que contravienen las normas más elementales del …

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France Recalls US, Australian Ambassadors Over Submarine Deal

France has recalled its ambassadors to the United States and Australia after Australia ended a deal to buy French submarines in favor of one to pursue nuclear-powered vessels using U.S. technology. Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in a written statement Friday that the move “is justified by the exceptional …

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Marek A. Cichocki: Niemcy przed wyborem

Już za tydzień czekają nas w Niemczech wybory, które po 16 latach rządów Angeli Merkel mogą doprowadzić u naszego zachodniego sąsiada do znaczących politycznych przetasowań. Jeśli w ciągu najbliższych kilku dni nie wydarzy się żadna nowa katastrofa, wybory parlamentarne wygrają socjaldemokraci i ich kandydat na kanclerza Olaf Scholz, a przyszła …

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Emmanuel Macron is just going to have to learn to live with Global Britain

The Aukus defence pact between the UK, US and Australia is game-changing. A courageous decision to share nuclear technology with a friendly power, it re-tilts UK foreign policy towards the Pacific, where the threat of China must be managed, and proves that Global Britain is a concrete idea. Brexit, finally, …

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Nameja mācība – pirmos ieņemtu soctīklus

Dažu neviennozīmīgā reakcija uz militāro mācību Namejs norisi Rīgas ielās aizvadītajā nedēļas nogalē ir ļoti spilgts piemērs, kāpēc šādas mācības ir vajadzīgas. Mācību pirmā fāze, kam bija jānotiek pilsētvidē, ne par velti tika pieteikta kā gatavošanās tādai karadarbībai, kurā tiek izmantoti hibrīdkara elementi. Bet uzvara hibrīdkarā nav izcīnāma tikai ar …

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Hello, China? This is the Pentagon Calling…

Beijing. Chinese hardliners just had their stance justified by the erratic, verging on unhinged, behavior in the United States and by its military. First the storming of the capitol on Jan 6. Seen from Beijing it looked like a failed coup, a botched but serious attempt to upend US politics. …

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Understanding the Basics of 21st-Century Democracy, Autocracy, and Capitalism

Democracy exists if and when a community organizes its self-governance around the full participation, on an equal basis, of all the members of the community. Its other, autocracy, exists when a community organizes (or allows) its governance by an individual or subgroup of that community, a ruler. Universal suffrage is …

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Morocco Says ‘No’ To Political Islam – OpEd

Why were the Islamists thrashed in the last parliamentary elections in Morocco? The literal decimation of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) to 12 seats from the 125 they had in the previous parliament was a major blow and surprised everyone including the pro-state, pro-monarchy and pro-establishment parties. It was …

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Counterproliferation Financing for Virtual Asset Service Providers

This guidance paper aims to advise VASPs on best-practice compliance when dealing with proliferation financing risk, and directs compliance officers towards relevant publications that may assist in their work. Since at least 2014, North Korea has shown increasing cybercrime expertise and interest, more recently expanding into VAs. Throughout 2020 and …

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