
Why Serbia wants to buy SPIKE missiles from Israel

While prospects for actual conflict use are slim, Belgrade hopes that by buying Israeli weapons it can alleviate some of the pressure it may face from Washington over Kosovo and ties with Russia and China. Israel’s defense industry just added another buyer to its list. Speaking to the Serbian national …

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Traders chase Russian oil to fill U.S. supply gap after Hurricane Ida

Trading houses are rushing to supply Russian Urals crude to the United States where oil production was hammered by Hurricane Ida in August, three trading sources said on Friday. Ida, one of the most devastating hurricanes for oil companies operating in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico since storms in 2005, …

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Russia To Show Off Military Might, Grip On Belarus During Zapad-2021 Exercises

Russia and Belarus will be the site of what could be the biggest military exercises in Europe in decades, which comes as Alyaksandr Lukashenka moves to integrate Belarus even closer not only militarily but politically with Russia, triggering fears he is bargaining away the country’s sovereignty to its much bigger …

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Bawar Ismail: Nej, Sverige är inte IS-kvinnornas hem

På måndag eftermiddag landade ett plan med tre IS-kvinnor och deras barn på Arlanda flygplats. Och genast vill regeringen få oss tro att Sverige är förpliktigat att ta emot dessa “utvisade” IS-fångar, att det faktiskt är vårt ansvar och att vårt rättsväsende kommer att skipa rättvisa. Men när blev det …

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Als das “Jahrhundert des Terrorismus” begann

Man kann den 11. September 2001 als eigentlichen Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts betrachten. Am Nachmittag begleitete eine “ZiB”-Sondersendung die Terroranschläge in den USA. Am Abend spielten Depeche Mode in der Wiener Stadthalle eines der besten Konzerte, das ich je besuchte. Die Welt stand im Schock, doch ahnte da noch kaum …

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Russia says waits for Germany’s nod to start gas sales via Nord Stream 2

Pumping commercial natural gas supplies via the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will not start until a German regulator gives the green light, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Thursday, according to TASS news agency. The Nord Stream 2, which would double Russia’s gas exporting capabilities via the Baltic Sea to …

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Al-Qaeda’s Virulent Strain in Iraq

My friend Arthur telephoned me one summer morning in 2003, when I had just returned from Iraq, which had fallen into U.S. hands that April. Arthur was head of the refugee program at the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights. A decade earlier, he and I had travelled together to Iraq, …

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The Legacy of 9/11 and the “War on Terror”: A Special Series

In September 2021, we launched a special series of articles, reports, videos and podcasts by Crisis Group experts on the impact of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks and the U.S.-led “war on terror”. These cover how Islamist militancy and the military operations aimed at defeating militant groups have both reverberated in Washington …

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Religious Power Tends To Corrupt – OpEd

Back in early May of 2020 Israel’s Interior minister urged ‘soul-searching’ in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community citing the very high coronavirus infection rate [60-70% of the sick in the entire country were ultra-Orthodox whereas only 10-12 percent of the general population is ultra-Orthodox]. Now in early September 2021only some 20 …

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