
AfPak Takes On A New Meaning With Rise Of The Taliban – Analysis

Recent attacks on Kabul’s international airport by the Islamic State’s Afghan affiliate raise multiple questions as well as the spectre of paradigm shifts in the drivers and expanding geography of political violence. The attacks have called into question the Taliban’s ability to maintain security and keep a lid on the …

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Dueling Dyads: Conceptualizing Proxy Wars In Strategic Competition – Analysis

Strategic competition with the Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China has become the new orienting challenge for the U.S. national security community. While many officials and writers envision strategic competition across many domains, the increased likelihood of proxy wars in strategic competition does not gain much purchase in the …

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Mindenki tudta, hogy csúnya lesz

Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok nem adta fel a világrend meghatározására való erős törekvését. A hegemón hatalom szerepét gyakran félreértik és redukálják egyfajta világcsendőri szerepre. Fontos a beavatkozási képesség – az erőprojekció –, de ennek számos módja van azon túl, hogy valahova bevonul a hadsereg. Már a 20. században nagy lépéseket …

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Американцы на прощание убили кого могли

Американцы полностью ушли из Афганистана — их последний оплот, кабульский аэропорт, переходит под контроль “Талибана”*, новой власти страны. Казалось бы, после двадцати лет оккупации все должны быть довольны — афганцы тем, что избавились от оккупантов, а американцы тем, что наконец-то закончили совершенно ненужную им войну. Но Штаты даже уйти не …

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US-China relations at crossroads

The Biden Administration, in dire straits over Afghanistan, is pursuing China for help. There have been two phone calls to Chinese State Councilor and FM Wang Yi from US Secretary of state Antony Blinken since August 16 alone. The taciturn readouts from Washington would have us believe that these conversations …

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Iraqi Kurdish leader helps ease Turkey-UAE tensions

Iraqi Kurdistan President Nechirvan Barzani helped facilitate a recent phone call between Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and United Arab Emirates (UAE) de facto ruler Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nayhan have spoken on the …

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Baidena izgāšanās šķeļ NATO sabiedrotos

Nepārdomātā un ar sabiedrotajiem slikti saskaņotā vai daudzos gadījumos pat vispār nesaskaņotā ASV bruņoto spēku izvešana no Afganistānas ir izraisījusi plašu rezonansi arī Eiropas valstīs, kuru varas iestādēm šis solis rada ne mazākas, bet varbūt pat lielākas problēmas nekā pašām ASV. 2015. gadā par NATO padomdevēja, apmācību un atbalsta misiju …

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Lessons From The Taliban: Only A Secular Democracy Can Keep India Integrated – OpEd

The Taliban’s capture of power in Afghanistan has grave geostrategic ramifications. It signals Islamic resurgence, affecting not only the wide swathe of Muslim nations stretching from North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, Central Asia, Gulf nations, South Asia, to Southeast Asia, but also countries with large Muslim populations. Is it …

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Reports That Turkey Poised To Recognize Taliban As Afghanistan’s Government

NATO member Turkey is reportedly nearing a deal to recognize Afghanistan’s Taliban government and operate the Kabul airport in partnership with Qatar, paving the way for the Islamist group to attract foreign aid and investment. The agreement is awaiting approval by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and will be finalized …

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Yemen: At Least 30 Killed In Houthi Drone, Missile Attack On Airbase

At least 30 soldiers were killed and more than 65 injured on Sunday in an attack by the Iran-backed Houthi militia on a military base in southern Yemen. A ballistic missile followed by two explosives-laden drones struck a barracks housing about 50 troops at Al-Anad air base in Lahj province, …

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