
Pakistan And The Politicization Of The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) – OpEd

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in its last meeting in June 2021 announced that Pakistan will stay on the watchdog’s grey list, till it completely fulfils the action plan agreed to in June 2018. Pakistan has remained on the grey list despite meeting all requirements, while only one item …

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«Талібан» може встановити дипломатичні стосунки із західними державами — політолог

Ситуація в столиці Афганістану загострилася після вибухів, скоєних 26 серпня бойовиками терористичної організації «Ісламська держава» поруч з аеропортом Кабула. Розмова з аналітиком Інституту майбутнього Ілією Кусою. Ілія Куса: Можливо, Великобританія буде окремо домовлятися з талібами через Пакистан. Є свої інтереси у Туреччини. Вони не дуже пов’язані з НАТО. Турки з …

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How the Weak Win Wars

No one had given Muhammad Ali a chance against George Foreman in the World HeavyweightChampionship fight of October 30, 1974. Foreman, none of whose opponents had lasted more than three rounds in the ring, was the strongest, hardest hit-ting boxer of his generation. Ali, though not as powerful as Foreman, …

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Gas Shortage Boosts Russia’s Sway Over Europe’s Energy Markets

Europe is facing a natural-gas shortage just as Russia is completing a controversial pipeline to Germany, increasing President Vladimir Putin’s leverage over the continent’s energy flows. Europe’s gas stores are at their lowest levels for years after demand rebounded from a pandemic-induced low that had led producers to slash output. …

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Putin Takes Shot at West, but Says He’ll Work to ‘Normalize’ Afghanistan

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan showed that it was time for the West to end its “policy of imposing someone’s outside values from abroad.” President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said on Friday that the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan showed that it was …

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How Dangerous Is Afghanistan’s Islamic State Group?

The Islamic State offshoot that Americans blame for Thursday’s deadly suicide attacks outside the Kabul airport coalesced in eastern Afghanistan six years ago and rapidly grew into one of the more dangerous terror threats globally. Despite years of military targeting by the U.S.-led coalition, the group known as Islamic State …

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Hardline Haqqani Network Put in Charge of Kabul Security

The Taliban has placed security for the Afghan capital, Kabul, in the hands of senior members of the Haqqani Network, which has close ties with foreign jihadist groups including a long-standing association with al-Qaida. Western intelligence officials say the assignment is alarming and undercuts Taliban promises to tread a more …

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Russia says Turkey could sign new S-400 missile contract soon – Ifax

Russia and Turkey are close to signing a new contract to supply Ankara with additional S-400 air defence units in the near future, the Interfax news agency cited the head of Russia’s Rosoboronexport arms exporter as saying on Monday. Turkey’s initial purchase of S-400s from Russia strained ties with the …

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Preparing for advancements in Russian warfare in the Black Sea region

Suddenly and seemingly without warning, Russian forces amassed in Crimea and near the Ukrainian border in April 2021. Heavy armor, long-range missiles and artillery, modern air forces, and elite airborne infantry units deployed into positions that raised alarm in Ukraine and throughout Europe. The situation today appears stable, but reports …

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As Syria’s foreign jihadis eye Afghanistan, new challenges arise for Moscow

The potential that foreign fighters may move from Syria’s Idlib province to Afghanistan could pose major threats to Russia and its Central Asian allies. The situation in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, escalated sharply Thursday after a suicide attack by militants from the local affiliate of the Islamic State killed over 100 …

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