
Efforts to Save Russian Roadmap in Southern Syria After It Faltered in Daraa

Russia is trying to salvage the settlement agreement it sponsored in southern Syria, but the situation in Daraa keeps worsening, according to Asharq al-Awsat. Efforts intensified on Wednesday to save the “Russian roadmap” after the failure to implement an agreement reached by the Central Negotiating Committee in Daraa al-Balad with …

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Indignation in Idleb about al-Nusra’s Loyalty to its Ally Taliban

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham forced locals in Idleb to celebrate the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan, sparking the anger of citizens, according to al-Watan. Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) adopted the “victory” for the Taliban movement in its control of Afghanistan, by continuing celebrations in support of al-Fateh al-Mubeen and issuing …

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Turkish Opposition Exploits Discontent over Refugees to Target Erdogan

While the Turkish opposition has been using public unhappiness over rising numbers of refugees from Afghanistan and other countries to challenge President Erdogan’s government, xenophobic violence has also been increasing. “Border equals honour” was the slogan on a huge banner that was hung from the façade of the headquarters of …

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Forceful Displays And Soft Rhetoric: Central Asia’s Response To Developments In Afghanistan – Analysis

The swift fall of the Afghan government and Taliban takeover over the past few weeks poses challenges for the countries to the north. Central Asian governments desire a stable and secure government in Afghanistan that can prevent the spillover of a destabilizing conflict across their borders. In addition, while Afghanistan …

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Will The Taliban Stay United To Govern, Or Splinter Into Regional Fiefdoms? – Analysis

As the Taliban transforms its military chain of command into a governing structure for Afghanistan, alliances and tribal configurations that kept two rival Taliban factions together in recent years are now being tested. “Conquering a country is always the easy part. Ruling it, in Afghanistan’s case, is the difficult bit,” …

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Biden Military Betrays Misguided Priorities – OpEd

Carlos Del Toro, Joe Biden’s choice for Secretary of the Navy, has four priorities but only one involves protecting the United States from foreign adversaries, the sole legitimate purpose of the U.S. military. The first priority in Del Toro’s “four C’s is China, followed by culture, climate and covid. Del …

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Widmo rządu z postkomunistami krąży po Niemczech

„NATO to anachronizm. Trzeba stworzyć system bezpieczeństwa z udziałem Rosji”. Czy partia z takim programem może się niedługo znaleźć w rządzie Niemiec? Wielkie poruszenie miesiąc przed wyborami do Bundestagu. W niedzielę pojawił się pierwszy sondaż, w którym dotychczasowy faworyt i zarazem największa partia Niemiec, CDU/CSU, zrównała się z socjaldemokratyczną SPD. …

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Ola Tedin Tyskland är inte bara Angela Merkel.

Utgången av förbundsdagsvalet i Tyskland om ganska precis en månad är fortfarande så osäker som ett val någonsin kan vara. Opinionsundersökningarna svänger kraftigt och inte minst de två kristdemokratiska systerpartierna CDU/CSU har pendlat från att ha varit helt uträknat till största parti. Att inom loppet av två dagar gå från …

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Luc de Barochez – L’échec afghan laisse l’Otan moribonde

ÉDITO. L’Europe devrait saisir l’occasion pour rompre avec sa sujétion aux États-Unis et réinventer l’alliance transatlantique. Emmanuel Macron avait raison, avec deux ans d’avance. L’Otan est bel et bien en état de « mort cérébrale ». Estourbie par son échec en Afghanistan. Depuis vingt ans, elle consacrait l’essentiel de son …

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Più che la democrazia, abbiamo esportato inflazione e rancore

La resa dei conti. Investito in sviluppo un 20° di quanto speso per guerreggiare. E solo un decimo di quel 20° è finito in progetti agricoli, per un popolo a cui non restava altro che coltivare oppio. A chi presentare il conto della disfatta? I paesi Nato potrebbero almeno accollarsi, …

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