
Pääkirjoitus: Ovi hädänalaisille ei ole enää apposen auki EU:ssa

Kreeta KarvalaEuroopassa ei haluta toistaa edellisen pakolaiskriisin virheitä, mutta uusien toimintamallien luominen on jäsenmaiden näkemyserojen vuoksi haastavaa, kirjoittaa Iltalehden Kreeta Karvala. Afganistanissa asuu 38 miljoonaa ihmistä, ja Talibanien valtaan nousun myötä tuhannet ovat jo jättäneet maan. YK:n pakolaisjärjestö UNHCR:n mukaan vuoden alusta puoli miljoonaa afgaania oli jo paennut kodeistaan. Heistä …

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Brexit’s Ghosts Still Haunt Northern Ireland

For more than a week earlier this month, Northern Ireland was rocked by riots in pro-British unionist communities, with frequent outbursts of violence in areas bordering on pro-Irish nationalist neighborhoods. Thankfully, no one was killed, but almost 90 police officers were injured in efforts to quell the unrest and keep …

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Brexit Still Hasn’t Solved the Problem of Northern Ireland

The two main political parties in Northern Ireland announced a deal last month to restore the region’s power-sharing government, which had ceased to function three years ago. Within 24 hours of the announcement of the deal on Jan. 10, which was brokered by the British and Irish governments, Northern Ireland’s …

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Brexit’s Finish Line Is Only the ‘End of the Beginning’ for Britain and the EU

Britain’s impending departure from the European Union on Jan. 31 is merely, as Winston Churchill might have said, the end of the beginning. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will herald Brexit as the moment the nation recovers its sovereignty. The truth, however, is far messier. The ultimate terms and costs …

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Japan Makes a Model Partner for a ‘Global Britain’

Ever since the 2016 referendum on Brexit, the U.K. has been busy reimagining its place in the world. Now, with the umbilical cord between the U.K. and the European Union finally cut, London will have to put into practice its long-stated ambitions for a “Global Britain.” The British government’s Integrated …

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US troop death toll now at 13, with 18 wounded, in HKIA attack: CENTCOM

The number of U.S. service members killed in a series of attacks outside of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul on Thursday is now 13, with another 18 wounded, according to a spokesman for U.S. Central Command. The casualty toll increased after the head of CENTCOM held a Pentagon briefing …

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The Pakistani angle on the Taliban victory

Islamabad’s support for the terrorists played a crucial, largely ignored, role in recent events. The collapse of the Kabul government and the Taliban’s rapid takeover of nearly all Afghanistan has captured the attention of the world. It has led to widespread discussion of US imperial retreat, the implications for the …

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The American empire is ready to end

World management should never have been America’s task, and the Afghan misadventure should be its last imperial war. Empire, American history’s most ambitious, contradictory, and costly era, is ready to end. What began with the conquests of Hawaii and the Philippines more than 120 years ago, and later produced history’s …

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A fuga que se adivinha

Apesar de, nos últimos meses, a questão dos refugiados não ter estado em foco nas agendas mediáticas, há migrantes que continuam a arriscar a vida no Mediterrâneo à procura de paz. Com a crise no Afeganistão, o fluxo terá tendência a aumentar. Se, numa primeira fase, Portugal vai receber 50 …

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