
Steinmeier ocenil hrdinné výsadkáře, ne atentátníky

Je to obdivuhodná cesta, kterou v pohledu na druhou světovou válku dokázalo Německo za víc než sedmdesát pět let ujít. A nešlo jen o přiznání viny za zločiny nacismu, včetně židovského a romského holocaustu. Zásadní byla také změna pohledu na konec války a na roli těch, kteří nacistickou Třetí říši …

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President Biden Wants All Troops Out Before ISIS-K Hits US Targets

In case US President Joe Biden was considering an extension to the deadline he set for completing the pullout from Afghanistan, a franchise of Taliban foe Islamic State operating there under the name ISIS-K has apparently increased the urgency felt at the White House by threatening terror attacks of its …

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L’Allemagne s’ennuie

La formule est plus que galvaudée. Née dans l’édition du Monde du 15 mars 1968, sous la plume de Pierre Viansson-Ponté, elle a servi mille et une fois. Aujourd’hui, à près d’un mois des élections au Bundestag, elle correspond à merveille à la RFA : l’Allemagne s’ennuie. D’ailleurs, il y …

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Russian army patrol rebel enclave in Syria to avert offensive, sources say

Russian forces moved into an opposition enclave in the Syrian city of Deraa on Tuesday to try to avert an army assault on a stronghold that has defied state authority since it was retaken three years ago, witnesses, residents, and army sources said. Their entry brought a halt to shelling …

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Urban Warfare: What’s Next for the American Military?

The U.S. military has been fighting the Global War on Terror (GWOT) for more than two decades now. This means that for the first time in American history a servicemember can have both enlisted and retired during an active war. Further, at no time in its history has the U.S. …

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Implications of Taliban takeover for the United States

America has reached the peak of its loss of power and authority, a decline that started on Sep. 11, 2001, and that has culminated in the Taliban’s recent takeover of Afghanistan. After this process, it is now a question of how the balance of power in the world will shift …

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Russia Joint Naval Drills With Iran Still On Schedule

A top Russian Navy commander said tall of the naval exercises planned to be held jointly with the Iranian forces will take place on schedule. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the diving competitions of the International Army Games 2021 in southeastern Iran on Tuesday, Deputy Commander in Chief …

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The Afghanistan Withdrawal: Military And Defense Implications – Analysis

After a rapid Taliban campaign to capture cities and territories formerly controlled by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA), on August 15, 2021, the Taliban took Kabul and the President of GIRoA, Ashraf Ghani, fled the country. Information regarding the situation on the ground in Afghanistan and …

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Taliban and Al Qaeda: If there’s no war, there won’t be an alliance

The U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan was about counterterrorism. Had it not been for a traumatic terrorist attack in the United States, 20 years of U.S. warfare in Afghanistan never would have occurred. Most Americans would have been oblivious to events there, and U.S. policymakers would have given the country …

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No plans to increase troops at Kabul airport as deadline looms, Pentagon says

Evacuation flights peaked over the past 24 hours, but security fears are growing amid Taliban warning. The Pentagon has no plans to request additional troops to secure Kabul airport as evacuations pick up ahead of an expected withdrawal deadline next week, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters Monday. Some 16,000 …

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