
Panjshir resistance digs in to defend key valley from Taliban

Atop a craggy mountain that has withstood foreign invaders for decades, anti-Taliban fighters fire a mounted heavy machine gun into a deep valley. They are members of the National Resistance Front (NRF) — the most prominent Afghan opposition group to emerge since the Taliban captured Kabul nine days ago.

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Kā pārmaiņas Afganistānā ietekmēs Tadžikistānu un citas Centrālās Āzijas valstis

Praktiski visu 21. gadsimtu ASV un tās sabiedroto militārā klātbūtne Afganistānā nodrošināja Centrālās Āzijas autoritāro, bet reliģiski laicīgo režīmu stabilitāti. Amerikāņu klātbūtne Afganistānā bija liels šķērslis radikālā islāma izplatībai ārpus Afganistānas. Radikālais islāms nevarēja iespiesties citās Centrālās Āzijas valstīs, jo talibi bija nodarbināti ar cīņu pret amerikāņiem un to atbalstītās …

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Afghan Interpreters in Hiding, Desperate to Get Out

Desperate mass evacuation efforts in Afghanistan make it clear nothing went according to plan. There are multiple tragedies unfolding all at once. Will every American get out? How many Afghan nationals, who were promised American protection, will be rescued? And what about the future of everyone else under Taliban rule, …

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How Afghanistan withdrawal could lead to a harder policy against China

Biden is getting attacked on all sides for putting its ‘credibility’ on the Taiwan issue at risk. Will he cave to it? In an interview on Wednesday, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked President Biden whether the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan called into question the credibility of America’s commitment to …

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To Start Democracy In Afghanistan, We Need To Stop Pakistan – OpEd

On 15 August 2021, the Taliban arrived in Kabul and the Afghan President fled the country. A week earlier, the Taliban barely had half the country under their control. Afghanistan is often called the ‘graveyard of empires’, since from the British Empire in the 19th century to the USSR in …

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Ethiopia spy drone downed in Al-Fashqa

A source in the Sudanese Armed Forces on Friday confirmed the downing of an “Ethiopian spy drone that penetrated the airspace” on the border of the Al-Fashqa area. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, disclosed: “The army shot down an Ethiopian spy drone that penetrated the Sudanese airspace …

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Taliban control over Afghanistan will affect Israel’s security, warns official

Taliban forces have taken control of the Afghan capital, Kabul, after President Ashraf Ghani fled the country The Taliban’s control of Afghanistan will affect Israel’s security, former Defence Minister, Moshe Ya’alon, warned yesterday. “Despite the great distance between Afghanistan and Israel, the withdrawal of the United States forces and the …

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Who Really Are the Taliban? Is There a Taliban 2.0?

Who are the Taliban? We still see this question floating around a fair amount on social media and online. People also tend to confuse them with al-Qaeda. Now that the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan at a lightning pace over the last two weeks they claim to have been “reformed.” …

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The Next Act in the Afghan Tragedy

The collapse of the US’s position in Afghanistan has limited read-across to its relations with its NATO and Asian allies. But it is a stark reminder of the constraints on the UK as a global power. This is a desperate time for the people of Afghanistan, as they await their …

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Wasted Water: Leaking Pipelines Threaten to Let Balkans Run Dry

As climate change becomes more evident and droughts worsen, Balkan cities need to reduce the huge amount of water leaking each year from pipelines. Every day a woman went to a deep well in the middle of a vast meadow to fill her pots with water. The well had a …

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