
An Afghanistan Apportionment

American media and other politicians, and the people they pay to say things, are locked up tight with the demise in Afghanistan. How could anyone let this happen? Who’s to blame for these precipitous – they claim — events? What awful chaos at the airport! The answers are as vacuous …

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Biden’s Clueless Afghan Double-Cross

Globally, there is not a friend or foe who doesn’t see that America’s reliability as an ally has been demolished. Great Britain, which has troops in Afghanistan, was not even consulted. Thousands of Americans awaiting instructions and with no way to get to an airport whose access is now controlled …

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Egypt weighs Hifter’s role in Libyan transition

Libyan National Army commander Khalifa Hifter visited Cairo and met with the US ambassador to Libya at a time of heightened tensions between Hifter and the new Libyan government of national unity. US Ambassador to Libya Richard Norland met with Libyan National Army (LNA) commander Khalifa Hifter in Cairo Aug. …

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Did China Outmaneuver the US and Embolden the Taliban?

It’s no secret Chinese diplomats recently met with Taliban leadership. They likely saw the unfolding situation in Afghanistan as an opportunity to support a winning racehorse and gain more edge on their quest to become the new superpower. Incredibly, Secretary of State Blinken said that Chinese influence in Afghanistan could …

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Russian and Turkish foreign ministers discuss Afghanistan

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu discussed the situation in Afghanistan on Wednesday and called on key players to ensure security there, Russia’s foreign ministry said in a statement. The Taliban said on Tuesday they wanted peaceful relations with other countries and would respect women’s …

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Fearing Afghan refugee influx, Turkey reinforces border

Fearing a new refugee crisis, Turkey is sending soldiers to reinforce its border with Iran in order to stop a potential influx of Afghans fleeing the Taliban insurgency. Irregular arrivals are already up as Afghans who fled weeks and months ago show up at Turkey’s rugged border area after a …

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Why The Taliban’s Victory Represents A Victory For Long-Term US Geopolitical Interests – OpEd

At first glance, the Taliban’s victory over the Afghan government after the US withdrew its troops from the country represents a humiliating defeat for America and its allies. This, at least, seems to be the position taken by analysts and commentators in coverage of this story in most mainstream US …

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Taliban Spokesperson Denies He Gave Interview to Israeli Reporter

The Taliban’s international media spokesperson denied that he conducted an interview with an Israeli journalist, suggesting that a reporter for the Israel public broadcaster may have been “masquerading” in order to get the one-on-one. Suhail Shaheen on Tuesday night in a telephone interview with Roi Kais of Kan News said …

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In the Shadows of the American Century – The Rise and Decline of US Global Power

Reading “In the Shadows of the American Century” is a bit of an up and down ride. The best part of the book for personal interest concerning the author is the Introduction. The author, Alfred McCoy, discusses his personal situation in relation to his family and the environment in which …

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