
Nir Orbach, Idit Silman to get security guards amid continued threats

Four of Yamina’s six MKs have been assigned security guards Yamina MKs Nir Orbach and Idit Silman area to receive a security detail until further notice, the Knesset’s serjeant-at-arms said on Sunday afternoon. The decision comes amid a wave of threats to the two MKs who had been teetering between …

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Former US President Donald Trump denounces Fauci, China; hints at 2024 run

“I am not the one trying to undermine American democracy. I’m the one that’s trying to save it. Please remember that.” Former President Donald Trump on Saturday sharply attacked US infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, demanded reparations from China and derided Facebook CEO …

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The US in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

The US is beginning to clarify its position on key flashpoints in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The US Department of State recently appointed Richard Norland as the country’s special envoy to Libya. Norland, a career diplomat who became US ambassador to Libya in August 2019, will coordinate with the Government …

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Optimising Cyber Security Public–Private Partnerships

Industry and government are both vital cyber security providers, yet the ways they can work together remain misunderstood. Public–private partnerships (PPPs) have long been a mainstay of national cyber security strategies, but what exactly are they? Despite their longstanding popularity, references to PPPs are often shrouded in vague generalities. Policy …

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The Other Side of the Digital Coin: Central Bank Digital Currencies and Sanctions

As the economic benefits of central bank digital currencies emerge, so does one of their major downsides: an opportunity to avoid sanctions imposed by governments. Almost every day it seems a new form of digital money emerges, often touted as the next hot idea. But with so many governments indicating …

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The nascent Israeli government: The thread that binds?

There is only one thread holding together the unprecedentedly disparate parties that will establish and support the nascent Israeli government announced on the night of June 2, an hour before the midnight deadline. That thread is, of course, a shared loathing for Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu, who has served an unprece­dented …

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Brexit’s Finish Line Is Only the ‘End of the Beginning’ for Britain and the EU

Britain’s impending departure from the European Union on Jan. 31 is merely, as Winston Churchill might have said, the end of the beginning. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will herald Brexit as the moment the nation recovers its sovereignty. The truth, however, is far messier. The ultimate terms and costs …

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Brexit’s Ghosts Still Haunt Northern Ireland

For more than a week earlier this month, Northern Ireland was rocked by riots in pro-British unionist communities, with frequent outbursts of violence in areas bordering on pro-Irish nationalist neighborhoods. Thankfully, no one was killed, but almost 90 police officers were injured in efforts to quell the unrest and keep …

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Brexit Still Hasn’t Solved the Problem of Northern Ireland

The two main political parties in Northern Ireland announced a deal last month to restore the region’s power-sharing government, which had ceased to function three years ago. Within 24 hours of the announcement of the deal on Jan. 10, which was brokered by the British and Irish governments, Northern Ireland’s …

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In the Aftermath of Brexit, What Can ‘Global Britain’ Be?

Over the past four years, as the United Kingdom has wrestled with the consequences of its narrow vote to leave the European Union, there has been little to no broader foreign policy debate in the country. Instead, Britons seem to have become caught between three temperaments. There are the catastrophists, …

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