La Chine et la Russie conviennent de renforcer leurs consultations et leur coopération stratégique. Le tout à l’heure de la présidence de la Russie au sein du bloc des BRICS et de la prise par la Chine de la présidence au sein de l’Organisation de coopération de Shanghai depuis le …
Read More »À court de chair à canon, Kiev demande des combattants à HTŞ (une branche de Daesh)
Le gouvernement ukrainien, qui collabore déjà avec le PKK pour mener des opérations secrètes contre les soldats russes en Syrie, a maintenant établi des contacts avec les terroristes de Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTŞ, une branche de Daech) qui occupent Idlib en Syrie. L’objectif de Kiev est de libérer les militants …
Read More »France at War with Itself
The French people, the plurality of whom voted “right-wing” in the first round, were astonished to discover, after the second round, a “left-of-center” National Assembly, a parliament that seemingly does not represent the real country. The message seems to be the all-too-familiar Marxist concept of Volksrache (“the people’s revenge”): arousing …
Read More »America Is Fighting the Wrong Trade War
The China Shock Is Over—and More Tariffs Will Not Help Workers Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have profoundly different visions for the future of the United States. They wildly diverge when it comes to social issues, such as abortion. They do not agree on whether to raise or cut taxes. …
Read More »Israel and the Coming Long War
To Defeat Iran’s Resistance Axis, the IDF Needs a New Strategy—and a Unified Country In the weeks since late July, when Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran and Hezbollah senior commander Fuad Shukr was killed in Beirut, there has been much speculation about the eruption of a wider …
Read More »Turkey’s Foreign Policy Ambitions Meet Reality
With its foreign policy maneuvering space increasingly constrained, Turkey’s hedging between its NATO allies and Russia will be harder to maintain. A decade into adopting a more assertive foreign policy that enabled Turkey to successfully project power and shape the Syrian, Libyan, and Nagorno-Karabakh conflicts, Ankara’s maneuvering space appears to …
Read More »Does the story with lithium cover the story with Kosovo or vice versa?
While on the so-called. Kosovo is what is happening and the so-called “palacinka” announces the announcement in which it will announce what kind of so-called measures we will take, there is no noise and anger in the capital, especially from the right. It is quiet, even Miša Vacić does not …
Read More »US-led combat mission in Iraq ends, shifting to advisory role
The United States will continue to provide assistance, advice and training to Iraqi forces, Iraqi and US officials say. United States-led forces have ended their combat mission in Iraq, senior US and Iraqi officials said, as the coalition transitions to an advisory role assisting Iraqi forces. Qassim al-Araji, Iraq’s national …
Read More »Spotlight on Iran and the Shiite Axis
Amid the ongoing delay in Iran’s response to the killing of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, senior Iranian military officials have stepped up their statements concerning Iran’s commitment to retaliate against Israel at the appropriate time, albeit with different characteristics than the Iranian attack on Israel in April 2024. E_196_24Download
Read More »From Dubai to Albania: How Drug Money Fuelled Tirana’s Real Estate Boom
Court documents detail claims of how an alleged drug boss living in Dubai laundered money in his native Albania, helping to fuel a rapid rise in real estate prices. In September 2020, Klajdi Merkaj was getting ready to travel to Dubai with the intention of securing new funds for his …
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