
Afghanistan’s Green Future? – OpEd

Everyone has a different Doomsday scenario for Afghanistan once U.S. and NATO troops withdraw by September 11. The Taliban will take over and reimpose their repressive social agenda. Al-Qaeda will multiply rapidly and again become a global threat. Rival warlords will split apart the country. Another wave of Afghan refugees …

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A New World Order Brought To You By COVID-19 – OpEd

A powerful international cabal, let’s call it the Global Deep State, is just as real as the corporatized, militarized, industrialized American Deep State For good or bad, COVID-19 has changed the way we navigate the world. It is also redrawing the boundaries of our world (and our freedoms) and altering …

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Russian military intervenes to halt clashes in Syrian city

Russian military police have been deployed to a city in northeastern Syria to halt clashes between Kurdish forces and Syrian government-allied fighters, a Russian officer said Tuesday. Rear Adm. Alexander Karpov, the head of the Russian military’s Reconciliation Center in Syria, said military police backed by helicopter gunships were sent …

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Yemen’s Houthis Say Fired Drone at Southern Saudi Air Base

Yemen’s Houthi forces on Wednesday launched a drone at a military air base in the southern Saudi Arabian city of Khamis Mushait, the group’s military spokesman said on Twitter. A Saudi-led coalition battling the Iran-aligned movement said Saudi Arabian air defences had intercepted and destroyed a drone fired towards the …

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Congress presses Biden administration for answers on Yemen war

Pressure is building on Capitol Hill as lawmakers await clarity about US support for Saudi Arabia in an upcoming briefing. Nearly three months after President Joe Biden announced a halt to US support for offensive Saudi-led operations in Yemen’s civil war, Democrats in Congress are once again pressing for answers …

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China releases counter-espionage regulations

China’s Ministry of State Security on Monday issued regulations on counter-espionage security work, which take effect upon promulgation. Overseas espionage and intelligence agencies and hostile forces have intensified infiltration into China, and broadened their tactics of stealing secrets in various ways and in more fields, which poses a serious threat …

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Romania To Expel Russian Diplomat Amid Prague-Moscow Dispute Over Arms Depot Blast

Romania says it is expelling a Russian diplomat, the latest European country to do so amid a diplomatic dispute between Moscow and Prague over Russia’s alleged role in a deadly 2014 explosion at a Czech arms depot. The Foreign Ministry decided to declare Aleksei Grichayev, the deputy military attaché at …

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IRGCN Interaction with U.S. Naval Vessels in the North Arabian Gulf

At approximately 8 p.m. on April 26, three Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) fast inshore attack craft (FIAC) failed to exercise due regard for the safety of other vessels as required under international law as they came into close proximity to U.S. naval vessels in international waters of …

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U.S. Coast Guard Cutter enters the Black Sea

The Legend-class national security cutter USCGC Hamilton (WMSL 753) transited into the Black Sea in support of NATO Allies and partners, April 27, 2021. Hamilton is the first U.S. Coast Guard Cutter to visit the Black Sea since 2008. The last U.S. Coast Guard Cutter to visit the Black Sea, …

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