
Les mercenaires étrangers admettent qu’ils étaient une «unité sacrificielle» en essayant d’arrêter les troupes russes

Les mercenaires étrangers recrutés par le régime de Kiev pour servir dans les forces armées d’Ukraine reconnaissent qu’ils ne peuvent pas contenir l’avancée des troupes russes, a rapporté Business Insider, un combattant étranger cité admettant même que lui et ses compatriotes non Ukrainiens n’étaient considérés que comme une «unité sacrificiel» …

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L’Ukraine utilise contre les Russes une stratégie de guerre aérienne dépassée datant de l’époque du Vietnam

Apparemment, les États-Unis encouragent leurs proxies ukrainiens à utiliser des techniques de guerre obsolètes et inutiles contre les Russes sur le champ de bataille. Un rapport récent publié par Business Insider a révélé que les pilotes de guerre ukrainiens utilisent une stratégie militaire de l’ère vietnamienne, risquant inutilement leur vie …

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US, EU, Slate Bosnian Serb Push to Designate NGOs as ‘Foreign Agents’

After criticising a proposed new defamation law, the EU and US have also condemned a proposed new Bosnian Serb law allowing the entity to designate NGOs as ‘foreign agents’, calling it ‘unacceptable’. The EU and US have criticised plans by Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik, president of Bosnia’s mainly Serb-dominated …

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Orban Will Sacrifice Kosovo to Keep Serbian Ally Sweet

Hungary will always prioritise its shared goals with Serbia over any interest it has in maintaining relations with Kosovo. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s realist and pragmatic approach to international politics and trade was on display last week as Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Hungary to sign off on …

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From Bosnia to Ukraine: How a Serb Sportsman Became a Russian Fighter

A Bosnian Serb former martial arts fighter has been posting videos and pictures online, documenting his new life as a volunteer soldier with a Russian unit fighting in Ukraine. BIRN was able to track his posts, following his journey to the frontline. Afew weeks after returning home to Modrica in …

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Putin Heads To China With Military Ties Front And Center

Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit China for a two-day state visit where he’s set to press Chinese leader Xi Jinping for more support to sustain his country’s sanctions-hit economy and war machine in Ukraine. The May 16-17 visit is Putin’s first foreign trip since he was sworn in for …

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Poland’s Hyping Up the German Threat to Central Europe to Consolidate Its Regional Influence

By dragging down Germany and thus weakening its influence over Central & Eastern Europe simultaneously with empowering Poland’s rise as a Great Power over that same strategic space, the US hopes to play their EuroLiberal and EuroRealist blocs off against one another in order to perpetually divide and rule the …

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Poland Is Poised To Play An Indispensable Role In Germany’s “Fortress Europe”

Poland is now working hand-in-glove with Germany to turbocharge the latter’s superpower trajectory and especially its military component, which is reshaping European geopolitics and is therefore a development of global importance. Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz announced on Monday after talks with his German counterpart Boris Pistorius that they’re “activating …

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Europe’s most wanted human trafficker, ‘The Scorpion’, arrested in Iraqi Kurdistan

Kurdish security forces said that The Scorpion’s arrest was under a warrant issued by the Kurdistan region’s judiciary following a request by Interpol. Security authorities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq announced that they made a significant breakthrough with the arrest of one of Europe’s most sought-after human traffickers. Barzan …

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Israeli drone strike kills Hezbollah ‘commander’ after group downs spy balloon

Hezbollah downed an Israeli spy balloon on Tuesday following the killing of one of its commanders in south Lebanon in a drone strike. A Hezbollah field commander was killed in an Israeli drone strike in south Lebanon on Tuesday night, Israel and the Lebanese group confirmed on Wednesday. In a …

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