
Economic personality

Personality and Individual: The distinction of concepts The concept of a total toiler as a stock figure of the history of the economy can be supplemented by the formula “economic personality.” The economic personality is an all-total (integral) worker. In this case, the focus is on the personality in its …

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The ideological cocktail poisoning American campuses

Back in December, the eminent historian Niall Ferguson wrote an essay in The Free Press that, it’s now apparent, presaged the tidal wave of demonstrations now inundating college campuses around the country. It was called “The Treason of the Intellectuals” which also was the title of a 1927 publication by …

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Islamic State Khorasan’s Westward Network Expansion Into Iran, Turkey, and Europe

ISKP’s retooling from regional operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan to a focus on external attacks and operational plots has resulted in a surge of both foiled plots and successful attacks. The Islamic State attack on the Crocus City Hall music venue on the outskirts of Moscow, which killed at least …

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Benjamin Netanyahu announced an attack on Rafah with or without a prisoner exchange agreement

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that he will initiate a ground attack on the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, regardless of whether a prisoner exchange agreement with Hamas is reached or not. Netanyahu met with representatives of the families of Israeli prisoners in Gaza, as …

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Children from Gaza send powerful messages to pro-Palestinian students in the US

Palestinian children gathered on Wednesday in central Gaza Strip to express gratitude to students from American universities who have been protesting in solidarity with Gaza for days, risking arrests and academic suspensions. “Thank you to the brave students at American universities” and “Thank you for standing with Gaza” were some …

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Is Turkey joining South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel?

Turkey will seek to join the South African lawsuit against Israel for genocide before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, confirmed Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Wednesday. Turkey has decided to seek joining the South African lawsuit for genocide against Israel before the ICJ, emphasized Fidan …

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Iran Update, April 30, 2024

Russia and China are hosting talks to facilitate Hamas’ inclusion in the Palestinian Authority, which would result in a Hamas-influenced government in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. China hosted senior Hamas and Fatah officials in Beijing on April 26 to discuss “intra-Palestinian reconciliation” and to “strive for the …

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France-Armenia Military Cooperation: A Double-Edged Sword In The Caucasus? – OpEd

The evolving military-political alliance between Armenia and France has garnered significant attention, particularly in the context of its impacts on the security landscape of the South Caucasus—a region long characterized by its geopolitical sensitivities and strategic significance. Introduction to the Alliance amidst Geopolitical Change The Armenia-France partnership, especially post-Second Karabakh …

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The State of al-Qa`ida Central

Abstract: More than a year and a half after the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul, al-Qaida Central has yet to acknowledge the demise of its emir and announce his replacement. After having lost its franchises in Iraq and Syria and after having seen its hegemony on the global jihadi …

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Les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni poussent à une guerre totale sur tous les fronts

Préambule : Cet article confirme ce que nous pensons également. La guerre en Ukraine est loin d’être terminée, ce n’est qu’une phase de réchauffement. Comme d’habitude, la stratégie occidentale a consisté, dans toutes les guerres précédentes, à se diriger vers une grande conflagration par à-coups. Guerre, pas de guerre ? …

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