
The CIA and Zionism: A Complex History

SUDDENLY, “ZIONISM” IS A FIGHTING WORD. The term for the nationalist movement to build a Jewish state in Palestine has not often figured in American political debate over the half century since the U.S.Ambassador to the United Nations, Patrick Moynihan, denounced a 1975 United Nations resolution asserting that “Zionism is …

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Will International Humanitarian Law Survive the Israel-Hamas Conflict?

The crisis in Gaza has raised serious questions about the relevance of international law—even of its very survival. States and armed actors involved in the conflict have duties, both positive and negative, to protect the right to health in the face of so much violence. The humanitarian catastrophe continues months …

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The Emerging Iranian Military Threat in the Middle East

The failure of Iran’s recent drone and missile attack on Israel is obscuring a critical inflection in the threat that Iran poses to the United States and its regional partners that has emerged over the past few years. Iran has shown that it is willing and able to project conventional …

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Islamic State Resurgence: Four Assad Troops Killed in Syria Ambush

An organization tracking violence in Syria reported on Monday that Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists killed four of dictator Bashar Assad’s soldiers in an attack intentionally targeting the military, the latest in what experts fear is an accelerating escalation of ISIS activity in the country. The incident reportedly occurred in the …

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​Macron’s strategy: A ‘Gaullist’ betrayal of de Gaulle​

If he is not careful, the French president is going to back himself into a dangerous little corner in Ukraine President Emmanuel Macron is pursuing an old Gaullist dream: a militarily and geopolitically autonomous Europe under the leadership of France. The present strategy by which Macron is pursuing this goal …

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Judy Asks: Will Macron’s Vision for European Defense Gain Traction?

Amid Russia’s aggression and uncertainty around U.S. leadership, Macron is right to call for Europe’s self-reliance in defense. To achieve it, France needs to lead by example and get all allies on board. Célia Belin – Senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and head of its …

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L’imbrication des paradigmes stratégiques

De nombreux Européens opteraient pour le rétablissement de la compétitivité de l’Europe, pour faire de l’Europe un acteur diplomatique plutôt que militaire. Theodore Postol, professeur de science, de technologie et de politique de sécurité nationale au MIT, a fourni une analyse médico-légale des vidéos et des preuves qui ressortent de …

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La grande fringale des armées

L’institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (SIPRI), qui publie chaque année le tableau le plus vaste et cohérent des dépenses militaires mondiales, le confirme : elles ont pulvérisé tous les records en 2023 en atteignant 2440 milliards de dollars – soit près de 7% d’augmentation sur un …

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L’hystérie sur fond d’agonie n’aidera pas l’Occident

Sergueï Lavrov a le don de résumer de manière concise l’essentiel de la situation. Parfois, quelques mots lui suffisent, qui deviennent ensuite «proverbiaux». On ne sait pas si ce sera le cas des déclarations du ministre des Affaires étrangères lors de son entretien avec trois stations de radio (dont Sputnik), …

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