The United States has piled sanctions on the Lebanese movement, but to what effect? Over the past two decades, Lebanon has been under close scrutiny from the US Treasury for potential money laundering or financing of US-designated terrorist organisations.
Read More »Israel Says Iranian and Syrian Forces Targeted in New Attack on Damascus
Israeli planes fired a number of missiles at Iranian and Syrian targets in Damascus, hitting a number of their targets, while other missiles were intercepted reports Al-Masdar.
Read More »Islamic State Kills Brig. Gen. Bashir Ismail in Eastern Syria
Brig. Gen. Bashir Salim, who was known as The Lion of the Desert, was killed in an Islamic State attack in Deir ez-Zor writes Enab Baladi. Syrian activists in local circles said that Brig. Gen. Bashir Salim Ismail was killed in the Deir ez-Zor desert, eastern Syria.
Read More »US imposes fresh Iran-related sanctions, targets Khamenei-linked charity
The US also slapped sanctions on Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi, accusing his ministry of playing a role in human rights abuses against Iranians, including during the November 2019 protests.
Read More »China calls for action from Australia; raps agreement with Japan
China on Wednesday called on Australia to take action to stem worsening relations between the two countries, in the latest indication that Beijing will offer few if any compromises to resolve their disputes.
Read More »La Libye, nouvelle côte des Barbaresques
Au mois de juin dernier, le navire roulier Cirkin s’est retrouvé au centre d’un incident opposant les marines française et turque. En plus de mettre en lumière l’une des facettes de l’expansionnisme turc en Méditerranée orientale, cet incident a rappelé que la guerre civile en Libye pouvait poursuivre son cours …
Read More »Contre l’islamisme: pas de «tenaille identitaire» qui vaille!
Tandis que la lutte contre l’islamisme sous toutes ses formes appelle de plus en plus une mobilisation résolue, les complices et les idiots utiles de ce totalitarisme du troisième type s’évertuent à jeter le discrédit ou le venin du soupçon sur les prétendues intentions cachées de ceux qui s’y opposent. …
Read More »Nissan's UK business tough to sustain without Brexit trade deal: COO Gupta
Any final exit by Britain from the European Union that worsens business conditions through increased tariffs would threaten the sustainability of Nissan Motor Co’s UK operations, the Japanese car maker’s chief operating officer (COO) cautioned.
Read More »Suga, U.S. Marine head oppose China's assertiveness in Indo-Pacific
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and U.S. Marine Corps Commandant Gen David Berger voiced opposition on Wednesday to China’s increasing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region, the Japanese government said.
Read More »Arabs Warn Biden: Do Not Embrace Islamists
“These observers pointed out that, behind the Council’s statement, there is a Saudi message saying that the Brotherhood’s rush to welcome and embrace Biden and its attempt to win his sympathy while inciting against important countries in the region will not change Saudi Arabia’s steadfast position of considering the group …
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