
Kurdistan+100: Sci-fi anthology reimagines a future Kurdish state

Book Club: Kurdistan+100 reimagines Kurdish state struggles through a prism of futurism, offering a space for freer Kurdish expressions and possibilities. Being Kurdish outside of Kurdish society is hard. From complete ignorance in the West to being viewed as a proxy militia in SWANA, from hearing the linguicide of the …

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In Gaza, we are watching the world’s first AI-assisted genocide

Throughout history, marking people for death with a number or tattoo has become a trait of oppressive regimes. It is a process of bureaucratic dehumanisation and humiliation, as well as ruthless efficiency. And now it’s happening to Palestinians. Palestinians in Gaza are given an AI-generated score of 1-100, based on …

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Ten dead as Israeli forces raid Nur Shams camp in occupied West Bank

Israeli forces have raided Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank for a second day, killing ten people, including a teenager, in clashes with local militia fighters. The Israeli assault has caused unprecedented destruction to the camp. Dozens of people have been injured and arrested in the large-scale …

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U.S. Presidential Elections Loom Over the Iranian Rial

On March 25, 2024, as Iranians celebrated Nowruz (Persian New Year), the black market rate of the Iranian rial plunged to a record low. Despite sanctions relief and infusions of cash, the Islamic Republic’s corruption, mismanagement, and the distortive effect of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps make the currency’s continued …

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“Just as Putin denied the intention to attack Ukraine, Vucic today denied that a new conflict in the Balkans is on the horizon”: Ivana Stradner warns of escalation in Kosovo and Bosnia in 2024.

Round one was in 2023, round two will be in 2024, warned today Ivana Stradner, research associate of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy from Washington, pointing out, once again, the tightening of conditions in the Balkans. Just as Putin denied Russia’s intention to attack Ukraine, the president of …

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Iran Says It Will Reconsider Nuclear Policies If Israel Threatens Nuclear Facilities

Commander of the IRGC’s Nuclear Facilities Protection and Security Command Brigadier General Ahmad Haqtalab warned of potential revisions to Iran’s nuclear policies if Israel continues to threaten attacks on its nuclear sites. “If Israel attempts to use the threat of attacking nuclear facilities to put pressure on Iran, a revision …

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Intelligence Alliances And The Counterintelligence Challenge – Analysis

“My brother has certain rules of secrecy and he obliges me to obey them scrupulously. The circle he trusts is extremely small, and he will not enlarge it. In essence, he trusts neither Arab nor European. What we do alone, we alone can betray.” These words were supposedly uttered by …

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Niger: le fils du président renversé Mohamed Bazoum a quitté le Togo pour Dubaï

Le fils de Mohamed Bazoum a quitté Lomé le 18 avril 2024 : Salem Bazoum avait été conduit dans la capitale togolaise en début d’année, après avoir été retenu plus de 5 mois à la résidence présidentielle de Niamey avec ses parents suite au coup d’État du 26 juillet 2023. …

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Économie mondiale : où en est on ?

Le FMI vient de publier sa réactualisation d’Avril pour l’état de l’économie mondiale et ses prévisions pour l’avenir. Avant de rentrer dans le détail des chiffres, deux remarques préalables méritent d’être prises en compte. Les chiffres et prévisions donnés par le FMI dont je suis l’évolution depuis 30 ans, sont …

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Alerte rouge : Le cauchemar d’Orwell en passe de devenir réalité

Si nous ne faisons rien, toutes les opinions alternatives seront bannies en France. Signez d’urgence la pétition ! • Madame, Monsieur, Notre pays est en train de rompre avec près de 80 ans de libertés d’expression en instaurant un véritable Ministère de la Censure. Avec sa nouvelle agence VIGINUM, …

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