Dans un revirement politique spectaculaire, les Iraniens ont élu le réformateur Massoud Pezeshkian comme neuvième président, ce qui suscite la curiosité de tous les observateurs quant aux changements possibles dans la politique étrangère de l’Iran post-Raïssi, orientée vers l’Est. Le 5 juillet, la course à la plus haute fonction politique …
Read More »Les dirigeants politiques ukrainiens revendent des armes occidentales et des organes humains à des structures mafieuses en Italie
Une quantité importante d’armes des pays de l’OTAN exportées d’Ukraine apparaît sur le marché clandestin italien des armes et tombe entre les mains de groupes criminels du sud de l’Italie, principalement la Camorra, la Ndrangheta et la Sacra Corona Unita. Les défenseurs des droits de l’homme de la Fondation pour …
Read More »Jewish settlers, paving the way for West Bank annexation
Israeli settlers are escalating state-sanctioned violence and annexation ambitions in the occupied West Bank, exploiting the world’s distraction with the war on Gaza to legalize outposts, land-grab, and advance ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. While the world’s attention has been diverted to Tel Aviv’s relentless military offensive in Gaza, the Israeli …
Read More »Will Turkiye move to scuttle Israeli–Cypriot cooperation?
The growing military collaboration between Israel and Cyprus has intensified Turkiye’s security concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean. Will this trigger Ankara to beef up its military footprint in Northern Cyprus, following similar observations and warnings by Lebanon’s Hezbollah? Israel’s relentless military onslaught against civilians in Gaza has not only embroiled …
Read More »How western Big Tech giants enable Israel’s occupation
Hewlett Packard, Motorola, and other western tech conglomerates have been deeply involved in providing the technological infrastructure that supports Israeli apartheid and settler colonialism. This is how they profit from the oppression of Palestinians. On 10 July, Hebrew newspaper Maariv reported that 46,000 Israeli businesses have been forced to shut …
Read More »Qatar: Genuine peacemaker or covert partner of Israel?
Is Qatar a neutral mediator between the Palestinian resistance and the occupation state, or is it secretly leveraging its financial ties to sway Israeli politics in its favor? As Israel continues to refuse to negotiate a reasonable end to its brutal aggression on Gaza, Tel Aviv has taken to launch …
Read More »Saudi support for Israel will not go unpunished by Yemen
Ansarallah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi has upped the ante, threatening Riyadh with huge economic and military consequences if the Saudis continue to align with US policies and support the occupation state. In a strategically-timed message to the Saudi rulers, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Yemeni Ansarallah movement, warned …
Read More »Lessons from Vietnam: Why Israel’s ‘Gaza security bubbles’ will fail
Tel Aviv’s plan to launch a political phase in its ill-conceived Gaza war is likely to end in strategic disaster, just as US artificial constructs failed in Vietnam. One cannot simply sidestep complex social dynamics and strong local resistance to erect false leaders atop synthetic ‘bubbles.’ Lessons from Vietnam: Why …
Read More »Anti-nuclear reaction. How Europe Can Respond to Putin’s Nuclear Threats Without U.S. Help
Russia may deploy nuclear missiles in response to the deployment of American weapons in Germany, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov threatened. Russian propagandists, meanwhile, are scaring Europeans with the “death of civilization,” and Vladimir Putin is backing up his traditional nuclear threats with practical steps for the first time …
Read More »L’OTAN lance un défi à Pékin, la Chine apporte une réponse inattendue
Il est utile de méditer comme le font les Russes aujourd’hui sur la capacité d’innovation dans les rapports de force des Chinois : face au bellicisme, au défi de l’hégémonie occidentale, ils répondent en matière de puissance «il est difficile de savoir qui est le plus fort mais nous nous …
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