Si l’immigration maghrébine est de plus en plus critiquée, l’incompréhension et la complicité passive des Français face à des phénomènes complexes menant au « séparatisme » ne doivent pas être oubliées non plus.
Read More »En France, on peut choisir de croire (ou pas)
Alors que se déroule le procès des complices des attentats contre Charlie Hebdo et l’Hyper Casher, alors que nous commémorons les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, alors que le Pakistan annonce la condamnation à mort d’un chrétien qui aurait blasphémé par SMS (!), Mila a été une fois de plus …
Read More »The New Middle East
In 2015, the UAE passed a law against religious discrimination by creating ministries of tolerance, happiness and youth to develop an enlightened community — everyone included.
Read More »China air force plays up J-20 stealth strength as Taiwan tensions brew
The Chinese military has highlighted advances in stealth jet technology as tensions rise with Taiwan, reporting record results in a simulated combat exercise.
Read More »Chinese firm collects data of US leaders, military
Social media and other online data on both prominent Americans and the U.S. military has been collected since 2017 by a Chinese technology company that purportedly markets itself to clients in the country’s military, government and commercial sector.
Read More »Trump hails new 'dawn' for Middle East as Israel signs accords with Bahrain and UAE
President Trump declared the “dawn of a new Middle East” as he oversaw the signing of pacts between Israel and two Arab nations, an event he hopes will pave the way for increased stability in a volatile region and cast him as a peacemaker ahead of November’s election.
Read More »How to Do More With Less in the Middle East
It has been clear for some time that the United States should do less in the Middle East, despite the attendant risks and costs—a case that we made in these pages last year (“America’s Middle East Purgatory,” January/February 2019). At the time, some welcomed this argument; others balked at it. …
Read More »Foreign-policy sleepwalking: Wake up to Germany no longer being such a good ally
A line in the sublime Hilary Mantel trilogy of Henry VIII’s fixer, Thomas Cromwell, perfectly encapsulates the highest aspirations of the political risk profession. The goal must be always to “Study the world without despising it. Understand the world without rejecting it. Have no illusions, but have hopes. Do not …
Read More »The US Air Force has built and flown a mysterious full-scale prototype of its future fighter jet
The U.S. Air Force has secretly designed, built and flown at least one prototype of its enigmatic next-generation fighter jet, the service’s top acquisition official confirmed to Defense News on Sept. 14.
Read More »Expect U.S. election to have consequences for troops overseas
President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden both say they want to pull U.S. forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan. But their approaches differ, and the outcome of the Nov. 3 election will have long-term consequences not only for U.S. troops, but for the wider region.
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