
Reduction of Fifth Corps: Pressure on Moscow reflected in Syria

Since September 2015, the Syrian regime has brought its Russian ally to Syria, in order to change the dynamics of the battle on the ground, which indicated the regime’s loss of vast geographical areas controlled by the opposition, before Moscow added its touch on the ground, changing the balances by …

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Iran Update, April 18, 2024

Iran is likely engaging in a coordinated information effort to deter an Israeli strike targeting its nuclear facilities and reassure its domestic population about Iran’s ability to protect such facilities. The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Nuclear Security and Protection Corps Commander Brigadier General Ahmad Haghtalab announced on April 18 …

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Both Israel and Iran are ready for war

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian threatened yesterday that his country would give an even stronger and more comprehensive response to any Israeli military attack, Anadolu Agency reports. In a phone call with his British counterpart David Cameron, Amir-Abdollahian stated that Iran is not seeking an escalation of tensions in the …

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Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Israel has exceeded Hitler, they killed more than 14,000 innocent children in Gaza

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated today that Israel has already surpassed the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler by killing more than 14,000 innocent children in the Gaza Strip. Addressing the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) parliamentary group in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Erdogan said that Israel, …

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Steel Dome (Still) Not Almighty: Hezbollah Succeeded in Hitting Targets in Israel

The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah managed to hit an Israeli military base in the village of Arab al-Aramshe, despite the anti-aircraft defense system known as the Iron Dome. According to the information released so far, a total of 19 people were wounded, including 14 soldiers, six of whom are in …

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Iran Update, April 15, 2024

Israeli officials have emphasized the need to respond to the Iranian drone and missile attack but have not specified how or when they will do so.[i] An unnamed US official told Axios that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in a phone call on April …

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How Iran’s drones became a threat to the Mid East and world

Iran’s drone threat is now one of its main military threats to the region, one that has surpassed its missile and other threats in many ways. Iran’s drone threat has been increasing in recent years. Reports on the evening of April 13 that Iran had launched drones targeting Israel are …

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Riposte iranienne «Promesse sincère» : Le talon d’Achille d’Israël révélé au grand jour. Comment l’Iran a contourné les antiaériens

Dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, le monde a été le témoin, devant les écrans de télévision ou des mobiles, d’une scène apocalyptique sans précédent au Moyen-Orient. Ou en Asie occidentale comme les Iraniens se plaisent à appeler cette région névralgique, question de la détacher, dans la terminologie géopolitique, …

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Point sur l’actualité internationale

Les dirigeants occidentaux vivent deux événements qui les mettent en état de stupéfaction : la défaite en Ukraine et le génocide en Palestine. Le premier est humiliant, l’autre honteux. Pourtant, ils ne ressentent ni humiliation ni honte. Leurs actions montrent clairement que ces sentiments leur sont étrangers : ils sont …

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Iran : Ouverture officielle d’un nouveau front de soutien

Les limites de la réponse iranienne sont qu’elle ne devrait pas être assez forte pour provoquer une guerre régionale telle que les États-Unis ressentent le besoin de s’impliquer, puisque l’objectif est d’arrêter la guerre israélienne contre Gaza. Le ministre des Affaires étrangères de l’Iran, Amir-Abdollahian, a promis des représailles iraniennes …

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