Le Liban, où aucune réforme sérieuse n’a été entreprise depuis la présidence du général Fouad Chéhab, fait figure de pays irréformable et gangrené par la corruption.
Read More »LIBAN – Le communautarisme, un virus prolifique
La mondialisation, le retour du religieux et l’accroissement des flux migratoires ont favorisé les crispations identitaires, le populisme et le virus du communautarisme.
Read More »IRAQ – Baghdad, Erbil… and Basra, new internal politic flashpoint
When one thinks of the recent chaos that has been unfolding in Iraq since the Parliamentary Elections most thoughts generally focus on the process that has been unfolding to name not only a new Speaker for Parliament but potentially decide who will run Iraq as well.
Read More »SYRIA – What for the Kurds now?
Kurds are to be awarded to the Turkish Security Services for their Brilliant Operations undertaken since early November 2018. We saw the reactions around the world regarding the horrific murder of the Saudi writer for the Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. This event presented an …
Read More »Why Do Some Terrorist Attacks Receive More Media Attention Than Others?
Terrorist attacks often dominate news coverage as reporters seek to provide the public with information. Yet, not all incidents receive equal attention. Why do some terrorist attacks receive
Read More »A Brief Primer on Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Methods in the Study of Terrorism
For years, terrorism researchers and security professionals have lamented a lack of primary data to inform our understanding of issues surrounding the use of terrorism and how that understanding might influence policy decisions. Despite these ongoing complaints, most research within terrorism studies has not featured primary data, employed rigorous social …
Read More »Messages to Arabia: Al-Qaida Attacks MBS and the Saudi Monarchy
Since the early 1990s, al-Qaida has routinely vilified the Saudi royal family and its government for being un-Islamic and illegitimate, describing the monarchy and the princes as apostates who should be attacked and toppled from power. The gist of al-Qaida’s condemnation of the Saudi rulers is that they are lackeys …
Read More »Fratricide in rebel movements: A network analysis of Syrian militant infighting
Violent conflict among rebels is a common feature of civil wars and insurgencies. Yet, not all rebel groups are equally prone to such infighting. While previous research has focused on the systemic causes of violent conflict within rebel movements, this article explores the factors that affect the risk of conflict …
Read More »US-backed forces close to uproot Daesh from Deir Ezzor province
Kurdish-led forces, backed by air strikes of the US-led coalition, have been so close to uproot Daesh (ISIS) from the eastern province of Deir Ezzor as the militants besieged in tiny enclave in Baghouz village, activists said Friday.
Read More »43 IS militants killed planning attack on Iraqi troops
Pro-government fighters of Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi thwarted on Wednesday a planned attack by Islamic State militants on security forces in a village on the Iraqi-Syrian border, leaving 43 terrorists dead and wounded.
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