Turkey, pursuing its own Islamist agenda and trying to rival Saudi influence in the Sunni world, is just too happy to have discredited the Wahhabi royals. Turkey’s message to the Western world was: See the difference between our peaceful Islamism and rogue-state Islamism? Stop discrediting us for our …
Read More »US cancels visas of Khashoggi killers, slams cover-up
The United States said Tuesday it was revoking visas of Saudis involved in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as President Donald Trump ridiculed the kingdom’s response as “one of the worst cover-ups” in history.
Read More »EU mechanism for Iran trade to be symbolically ready on Nov. 4: diplomats
A new European Union mechanism to facilitate payments for Iranian exports should be legally in place by Nov. 4, when the next phase of U.S. sanctions hit, but it will not be operational until early next year, three diplomats said.The mechanism, a so-called special purpose vehicle (SPV), is designed to …
Read More »Khashoggi: Erdogan promet la «vérité», Riyad assure ignorer où est le corps
La Turquie va révéler “toute la vérité” sur le meurtre du journaliste saoudien Jamal Khashoggi à Istanbul, a promis dimanche son président Recep Tayyip Erdogan. De son côté, Ryad a assuré ignorer le “détail” des circonstances de sa mort, comme l’endroit où se trouve son corps.
Read More »Saudi Arabia finally admits Khashoggi died in consulate
Saudi Arabia on Saturday, finally admitted that journalist, Jamal Khashoggi died in a fight inside its Istanbul consulate and that it fired two senior officials over his death.
Read More »Foreigners dump Saudi stocks
Foreigners sold a net 4.01 billion riyals ($1.07 billion) in Saudi stocks in the week ending Oct. 18, exchange data showed on Sunday – one of the biggest selloffs since the market opened to direct foreign buying in mid-2015.
Read More »Affaire Khashoggi: le ministre français de l’Économie annule son déplacement à Riyad
Le ministre français de l’Économie, Bruno Le Maire, a annoncé le 18 octobre qu’il ne se rendrait pas à Riyad, où il devait assister au sommet économique prévu du 23 au 25 octobre, en raison de la disparition du journaliste saoudien Jamal Khashoggi.
Read More »Iran wins another legal battle against U.S.
An Italian appeal court has rejected a lawsuit by the U.S. that called for the seizure of $5 billion worth of Iranian assets in Italy, in a second win for Tehran in its legal battle against the U.S. this month, IFP news reported.
Read More »Iran urges intl. community to respond to U.S. unilateralism
Gholamali Khoshroo, Iran’s ambassador to the UN, said on Tuesday the U.S. unilateralism is a “serious threat” to the world and suggested that a “swift” and “robust” reaction is needed by the international community to counter this policy.
Read More »UN’s top court rules in favor of Iran, orders U.S. to lift sanctions
The United Nation’s top court on Wednesday ordered the United States to lift sanctions on “humanitarian” goods to Iran that President Donald Trump reimposed after pulling out of the 2015 nuclear deal, The Daily Start reported.
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