
Russian Expert: North, Northeast And Northwest Of Kazakhstan Will Become Part Of Russia – OpEd

During a recent meeting with the CBS News team, who had arrived to interview him, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, in addition to everything else, the following: “For him [Russian President Vladimir Putin], we are a satellite of the Russian Federation. Currently, it’s us, then it’ll be Kazakhstan, then the …

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A geopolitical European Commission is a must for 2025 and beyond

From the eurozone crisis in 2011 to Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, Europe has faced existential tests more or less continuously for over a decade. This year is no exception, especially as citizens on both sides of the Atlantic head to the polls to decide the future of their political …

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The Islamic State Five Years After the Collapse of the Caliphate

While ISIS’s territorial caliphate has been dismantled, its ideological appeal endures. ISIS and its affiliates have demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt and survive, transforming into a decentralized network of regional branches, many of which retain the capacity to launch high-profile terrorist attacks. The ISIS-K attack in Moscow last week …

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Hezbollah Active on All Fronts of the Mideast Crisis

Lebanese Hezbollah is the lynchpin of Iran’s “Axis of Resistance” and the cornerstone of its effort to forge a “unity of fronts” against Israel. Hezbollah not only directly challenges Israel across the Lebanon border but also advises and supports other Iranian allies, including the Houthi movement in Yemen and Iran-backed …

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The Polish Premier Is Fearmongering About World War III For Self-Interested Political Reasons

What he’s dishonestly omitting is that there’s no chance of World War III breaking out so long as the West doesn’t conventionally intervene in Ukraine, not to mention invade Russia’s CSTO mutual defense ally Belarus or its own region of Kaliningrad that’s sandwiched between NATO states, all of which border …

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Tensions dans les Balkans : «Il y a un potentiel de guerre sur lequel les Européens doivent très vite agir»

Déclarant que les «intérêts vitaux» de son pays étaient menacés, le président serbe a fait ressurgir les inquiétudes quant à la stabilité dans les Balkans. Une sortie à considérer avec sérieux, souligne le chercheur Florent Parmentier, qui établit un parallèle avec l’Ukraine. Florent Parmentier est docteur en sciences politiques et …

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L’Europe est entrée dans l’«ère de l’avant-guerre» alerte Donald Tusk

«Je ne veux effrayer personne mais la guerre n’est plus un concept du passé», a déclaré le premier ministre polonais dans un entretien accordé à la presse européenne. Donald Tusk prévient : «la guerre n’est plus un concept du passé» en Europe. Le premier ministre polonais a accordé un entretien …

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Syrian passports: How German money funds war crimes in Syria

Syrians in Germany are forced to go back to the government that imprisoned or tortured them to get a new passport. Activists say the money they pay for passports funds a regime sanctioned by the German government. Even in high school, Adam Yasmin was political. When pro-democracy protests began in …

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Lebanon’s Offshore Governor

Offshore companies owned by the governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon have quietly invested in overseas assets worth nearly US$100 million in recent years, even as he has encouraged others to invest in his economically devastated country. Rumors of Central Bank Governor Riad Salame’s offshore wealth have swirled around …

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Spotlight on Iran

In recent months, the smuggling of advanced weapons from Iran to Judea and Samaria was thwarted by the Israeli security forces. The Special Operations Directorate of the IRGC’s intelligence organization and the Qods Force Special Operations Unit in Syria were responsible for those smuggling attempts. Those attempts provide further evidence …

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