Le Congrès international de Kazan sur l’intégration eurasiatique se positionne comme une plateforme importante pour le grand espace que représente l’Eurasie et les processus d’interaction et d’intégration qui s’y déroulent, mais également constitue un rappel aux acteurs néfastes qui n’y sont pas les bienvenus. Tous ces aspects renforcent d’une manière …
Read More »Le suicide d’Israël
La décadence d’Israël génèrera lassitude et indifférence. Il ne lui restera que l’escalade de la sauvagerie, la torture et la violence assassine contre des civils désarmés Lorsqu’Israël aura réussi à décimer Gaza – Israël parle de mois de guerre se prolongeant au moins jusqu’à la fin de l’année – il …
Read More »After Ukraine Peace Summit, Question Remains Whether Russia Will Come To The Table – Analysis
For two days during the June 15-16 summit for peace in Ukraine, senior officials from more than 90 countries focused on the most devastating conflict in Europe since World War II. As the delegations dispersed, participants lauded the launching of a process to keep the dialogue going and the prospect …
Read More »Demographic Winter Chills: East Asian Military Might: China, Japan, South Korea Face Recruitment Hurdles – OpEd
Falling birthrates in East Asia are causing concerns over whether the region’s military forces will be able to maintain their troop levels in future. As a result, China, Japan, and South Korea are changing their recruitment standards even though they have invested heavily in programmes to boost birthrates. However, some …
Read More »Ron Paul: We Spent A Billion Dollars Fighting The Houthis…And Lost – OpEd
Why does it seem the Pentagon is far better at spending money than actually putting together a successful operation? The failed “Operation Prosperity Guardian” and the disastrous floating Gaza pier are but two recent examples of enormously expensive initiatives that, though they no-doubt enriched military contractors, were incapable of meeting …
Read More »The Timely Revival of the Weimar Triangle
France, Germany, and Poland have concrete ideas for making EU foreign policy more coherent and effective. The union’s incoming leadership should use these proposals to strengthen the bloc. France is in the middle of an election campaign after President Emmanual Macron called a snap parliamentary election in the wake of …
Read More »Spotlight on Terrorism: Hezbollah, Lebanon and Syria (June 9 – 17 , 2024)
This past week Hezbollah claimed responsibility for 80 attacks on military and civilian targets in northern Israel, compared to 52 attacks the previous week. Attacks escalated in response to the killing of Taleb Sami Abdallah, the commander of the al-Nasr unit and a long-time Hezbollah operative. Hezbollah increased its use …
Read More »A New Marshall Plan for Ukraine
It’s not too early to plan for Ukraine’s reconstruction as a strong, free-market democracy. Today, the free world is united in supporting Ukraine in its struggle against Russian aggression and understands that the eventual winner must be the Ukrainian people, not Vladimir Putin. But while winning a war is important, …
Read More »The Iran-Israel War And The Clash Of Civilizations – Analysis
CIA Director William J. Burns has declared that the “key to Israel’s—and the region’s—security is dealing with Iran. The Iranian regime has been emboldened by the crisis and seems ready to fight to its last regional proxy, all while expanding its nuclear program and enabling Russian aggression.” [1] Hamas’ invasion …
Read More »L’intégration eurasiatique comme réponse aux acteurs non invités en Eurasie
Le Congrès international de Kazan sur l’intégration eurasiatique se positionne comme une plateforme importante pour le grand espace que représente l’Eurasie et les processus d’interaction et d’intégration qui s’y déroulent, mais également constitue un rappel aux acteurs néfastes qui n’y sont pas les bienvenus. Tous ces aspects renforcent d’une manière …
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