
Red Sea Turns Deadly As Iran-Backed Houthis Kill Sailors – OpEd

Despite the US and its allies attempting to provide safe passage in the Red Sea, the international waterway simply is not safe. In fact, it’s quite deadly – as the crew of the Barbados-flagged True Confidence unfortunately discovered Wednesday, March 6. The merchant vessel was set ablaze by a terrorist …

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Poland Is Poised To Play An Indispensable Role In Germany’s “Fortress Europe”

Poland is now working hand-in-glove with Germany to turbocharge the latter’s superpower trajectory and especially its military component, which is reshaping European geopolitics and is therefore a development of global importance. Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz announced on Monday after talks with his German counterpart Boris Pistorius that they’re “activating …

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Germany Must Tackle the Crisis of Trust in Europe

Berlin and Paris are squabbling over how to support Ukraine. To mend divisions and make Europe Kyiv’s number one defender, Chancellor Scholz must take on a leadership role. This is not the time for wavering or bickering over Ukraine. Yet that is what’s happening in Germany—and Europe. Germany’s Social Democrat …

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Montenegro’s Window of Opportunity

The new government’s pledge to align with EU standards makes Montenegro the likely next addition to the bloc. But fractious domestic politics could yet derail the country’s European ambitions. The EU is enlarging. If all goes well, there will be a new member state joining toward the end of this …

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Judy Asks: Has the War in Gaza Irreversibly Damaged Europe’s Credibility?

The EU’s selective application of international law has tarnished its reputation in the Middle East and the Global South. Repairing the damage will be extremely difficult. Stefanie Babst – Strategic advisor and former NATO deputy assistant secretary general Credibility is a commonly used but very fuzzy term. Who in the …

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Will Britain hold its armed forces accountable for alleged war crimes in the Middle East?

Last week, five British special forces soldiers were arrested for alleged war crimes during their deployment in Syria two years ago. They stand accused of using excessive force in the killing of a suspected militant, found with a suicide vest nearby, although the suspect was reportedly not wearing it when …

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A US Withdrawal from Syria Is a Win for US Interests and Partners

Contrary to popular opinion, the United States and its local partners can benefit from a US withdrawal from Syria. Both have strong incentives to support this policy as alternative options will produce worse outcomes down the road. Washington should consider a complete drawdown of troops in Syria to ensure its …

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The North-South Transport Corridor’s Black Sea Branch Could Help Scale Indo-European Trade

Russia isn’t pleased with being squeezed out of Armenia, but it might take some consolation knowing that this corridor could dissuade the West from exploiting Armenia to destabilize the region, which India and Iran could help it realize. The New York Times (NYT) drew the world’s attention to the North-South …

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The General Amnesty Decision by HTS Didn’t Stop Demonstrations Against Julani

The Salvation Government of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), including Jabhat al-Nusra and its allies, has announced a General Amnesty decision aimed at releasing detainees arrested by HTS over recent months, following widespread protests demanding the departure of HTS leader Abu Muhammad al-Julani. According to the decision issued by the Salvation …

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Syria Today – Trial of Bosnian Man for “Warfare in Syria”, Lebanon Threatens Opposition Activist

The trial of Adnan Ćatić for allegedly organizing a terrorist group and engaging in foreign battlefield activities commenced following the reading of the indictment and the opening statement by the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Concurrently, on Wednesday, 6 February, Syrian opposition activist and researcher Sheikh Jumaa Lehib received …

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