
Iran Executes Four Men Falsely Accused of Mossad Ties

Latest Developments Iran on January 29 hanged four prisoners falsely accused of planning to sabotage a Defense Ministry factory and having links with Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency. Iranian state media reported that the judiciary charged the four men with “collusion with the Zionist regime” and “disrupting national security by establishing …

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Why Don’t We Want a War with Iran?

There are, of course, alternatives less than all-out war, and more than attacks on proxies. They involve the bombing of military targets inside Iran. These include sites used for Iran’s nuclear program, its naval bases and ships, its military drone production, its oil and gas facilities and its command centers. …

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The Scourging of Gaza: Diary of a Genocidal War

Since the ICJ ordered preventive measures to ensure that Israel stop committing genocide in Gaza, Israeli forces have killed nearly 900 more Palestinians. Of course, the ICJʼs groundbreaking ruling was swept off the headlines of Western media by a leaked report that 12 UNRWA workers had participated in the Hamas-led …

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Putin Set to Visit NATO Member Turkey

Latest Developments Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit Turkey on February 12 — the first trip by a Russian leader to a NATO country since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will likely discuss matters related to energy cooperation, the Ukraine …

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Don’t reward Erdogan

After holding the NATO alliance hostage for nearly two years, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan finally agreed to allow Sweden to join the trans-Atlantic alliance. Washington and other NATO capitals were jubilant. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken “welcome[d] Turkish President Erdogan’s signature of the Articles of Ratification for Sweden’s …

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In Year Three of the Ukraine War, It’s Time to Learn the Lessons of the First Two

As the second anniversary of Russia’s all-out war against Ukraine approaches, the time is right to take stock of the past year and look ahead to the third year of the war. This is not an abstract exercise, but an essential task Ukraine and its supporters face as they prepare …

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Bruxelles : Les services secrets sur pied de guerre

Depuis quelques années, le monde du Renseignement bruxellois est en ébullition. Bruxelles joue aujourd’hui le rôle qui était autrefois prêté à Bonn, l’ex-capitale de la République fédérale allemande : celui d’abriter un nid d’espions. La présence des institutions européennes ; du siège de l’OTAN et de plusieurs grandes multinationales explique …

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Hamas provoque un électrochoc planétaire en dévoilant la nature génocidaire du sionisme (2)

Les Pharisiens de mèche avec l’Occident refont l’histoire, redessinent les destins des hommes et des États Les Sionistes et leurs vassaux occidentaux conquis, s’arrogèrent le droit et le pouvoir de défaire et de faire des États et des frontières (Saoudie, Jordanie, Émirats, Koweït, etc.), à leur solde, comme ils ont …

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La relation de la Chine et de la Russie avec les Taliban inquiète les États-Unis

La reconnaissance diplomatique du gouvernement taliban en Afghanistan le 31 janvier 2024 par la Chine doit être mise en relation avec deux autres mesures de politique régionale de grande portée prises par Pékin dans l’ère de l’après-guerre froide – les Cinq de Shanghai en 1996 – plus tard renommées Organisation …

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How to End America’s Hypocrisy on Gaza

The Biden Administration Must Assess Israel’s Conduct—and Hold It to Account The military campaign that Israel launched in response to Hamas’s brutal October 7 attacks has killed more than 27,000 people in the Gaza Strip and injured more than 60,000 others, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. About 75 percent …

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