
Lebanon Rejects Proposal to Curb Hezbollah

Latest Developments Lebanon rejected a proposal on February 6 for Hezbollah’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon, as mandated by UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The United States and four European countries are reportedly calling for Hezbollah to retreat several kilometers north as part of a diplomatic effort to defuse tensions at …

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Democracy Policy Under Biden: Confronting a Changed World

Summary In response to an international context U.S. President Joe Biden has described as an overarching struggle between democracy and autocracy, his administration has set out to support democracy globally as a major foreign policy priority. This effort has entailed grappling with three daunting challenges: a global democratic recession involving …

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Iran-Backed Militias In Iraq, Lebanon, And Yemen Condemn U.S. Strikes In Iraq And Syria, Accuse U.S. Of Escalating Conflict, Undermining Global Security, Reiterate Calls To Expel U.S. Forces From Iraq

On February 2, 2024, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) reported that its forces had conducted airstrikes earlier that day against over 85 targets of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militias, including command and control operations centers, intelligence centers, rocket, missile, and unmanned aerial vehicle storage …

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Houthi Ansar Allah Movement Holds Military Exercise In Which Reserve Forces Simulate Attacks On American, British, and Israeli Targets; Asserts Readiness To Make Sacrifices For Palestinians In Gaza

On February 3, 2024, the Houthi-run Yemen War Media Telegram channel posted a 44-minute video depicting a military exercise carried out by units from “reserve and central intervention forces” of the Yemeni armed forces. The video was titled, “Yemen is the Support of Palestine.” The exercise simulated attacks on American, …

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India Should Explore The Possibility Of A Naval Base In Socotra Or Somaliland

What both proposals have in common is India making a bold move in coordination with the UAE, direct in the case of Socotra and indirect in Somaliland’s, in pursuit of its objective national security interests in the broader region. The Indian Navy has been busy over the past month responding …

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Iranian ‘Spy Ship’ In Spotlight As US Seeks Retaliation Against Tehran

Since a Tehran-backed militia in Iraq killed three U.S. soldiers in a drone trike in Jordan, there has been mounting speculation about how Washington might retaliate against Iran. While unnamed U.S. officials speaking to the media have ruled out a direct strike on Iranian territory, they have suggested that Washington …

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L’Axe de la résistance gagne-t-il en soutien dans les États membres du Conseil de coopération du Golfe ?

Les dirigeants du Golfe subiront de nouvelles pressions pour camoufler leur engagement avec Israël tout en composant avec la colère croissante de leurs populations envers Israël et les États-Unis. Des sondages récents et des actions publiques indiquent un regain de popularité de l’Axe de la résistance de l’Asie occidentale parmi …

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Jeux de Risk et dangers réels

C’est un jeu de Risk très complexe qui s’est ouvert avec la crise de Gaza. Et qui s’étend maintenant à la mer Rouge et au golfe Persique. Tendant, je dirais inévitablement, à impliquer l’ensemble de notre Méditerranée. Un risque qui voit converger dans cette région spécifique des tensions et des …

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US escalation against Iran threatens all-out war in the Middle East

On Friday, the United States carried out airstrikes on seven locations throughout Iraq and Syria, in what US officials said were the beginning of weeks or even months of attacks throughout the region. Over the next two days, Saturday and Sunday, the US and UK launched further airstrikes against the …

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Russia’s Adaptation Advantage

Early in the War, Moscow Struggled to Shift Gears—but Now It’s Outlearning Kyiv Throughout the war in Ukraine, Kyiv and Moscow have waged an adaptation battle, trying to learn and improve their military effectiveness. In the early stages of the invasion, Ukraine had the advantage. Empowered by a rapid influx …

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