
Reviving ISIS: A US weapon against the Resistance Axis

Is it a coincidence that the world’s foremost terror organization is being revived just as the US struggles under a multi-front assault on its hegemony in West Asia? More curiously, both ISIS and Washington’s targets are exactly the same. Iraqi security sources are warning of an ISIS revival in the …

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Iran Update, January 27, 2024

Key Takeaways: Northern Gaza Strip: Palestinian fighters claimed clashes with Israeli forces. Hamas and other Palestinian fighters have contested Israeli raids in certain areas of the northern Gaza Strip throughout January 2024.Central Gaza Strip: Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s militant wing targeted an Israeli supply line with mortars and rockets.Southern Gaza Strip: …

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The Costly Failures of Intelligence

“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” – Yogi Berra The investment in intelligence collection and analysis continues to grow, and the failures of intelligence grow as well. In some of the most costly failures, the intelligence collection was adequate, occasionally spot on, but the analysis was inadequate. …

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Imperial Costs: Two Stories Summarize the Cost of Empire to Democracy

Two press reports stood out to me this week: the release of the names of two US Navy SEALs who drowned two weeks ago in the Arabian Sea and the Air Force’s production authorization for the B21 Raider bomber. Both stories symbolize an imperial inertia that defines American national security …

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The Next Global War

How Today’s Regional Conflicts Resemble the Ones That Produced World War II The post-Cold War era began, in the early 1990s, with soaring visions of global peace. It is ending, three decades later, with surging risks of global war. Today, Europe is experiencing its most devastating military conflict in generations. …

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Après les nouveaux bombardements étatsuniens au Yémen, les Houthis attaquent les navires de transport du département de la Défense

Il y a deux jours, j’ai parlé de l’espoir de l’administration Biden d’obtenir l’aide de la Chine dans le conflit entre les États-Unis et le Yémen. .• «Espérer que la Chine aidera le Yémen est une connerie délirante», Moon of Alabama, 23 janv. 2024 Les navires chinois ne sont pas …

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Les Houthis ont uni le Moyen-Orient contre l’Occident

Il se dit beaucoup de choses sur les Houthis, mais là encore les Français asphyxiés par la propagande et une vision néo-colonialiste qui recycle quelques traces de la guerre froide n’ont pas la moindre idée de ce qui se joue dans cette zone qui rassemble le plus grand nombre de …

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Aux armes, gueux non-citoyens !

Aïe les oreilles ! Dans le pavillon desquelles résonnent de stridents appels «Aux Armes, Gueux Sous-Citoyens !» tels que ceux qu’ose émettre le Général Sir Patrick Sanders.1 Ainsi, depuis le podium de Twickenham Stadium lors d’un rassemblement des industries de l’armement cette semaine a-t-on pu entendre Sir Patrick hurler que …

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China Urges Iran to Halt Houthi Attacks in Red Sea

Latest Developments China urged Iran to pressure the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen to end their attacks against Red Sea commercial shipping, Iranian sources told Reuters in a January 25 report. Beijing also warned that Chinese-Iranian commerce could suffer if Houthi attacks continue, a potentially potent threat since China remains …

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NATO Societies Must be Ready for War

Since Russia’s 2022 large-scale invasion of Ukraine, NATO militaries have been getting ready to fight. Thus far, less attention has been given to societal readiness for war, but there are signs that this imbalance is starting to be addressed. The 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea was an insufficient wake-up call …

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