
20 Constructive Critiques Of Russia’s Special Operation

Calmly acknowledging setbacks and sharing constructive critiques afterwards aligns with the spirit of what President Putin suggested earlier in the summer when he advised against indulging in wishful thinking. Nobody who sincerely supports this newly restored world power and its de facto leadership of the Global Revolutionary Movement in the …

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Egypt Is Playing An Extremely High-Stakes Game In Gaza That Could End In Genocide

The situation is grim since there aren’t any reasons to expect Israel to voluntarily stop its ground operation, nor any indications as of yet that the Arab states are seriously considering another oil embargo against the West. The risk of a genocide in Gaza is therefore growing by the day, …

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Germany’s Paralysis Holds Back Europe

Past German governments have relied on Russian gas and the U.S. security umbrella. With Putin’s war in Ukraine and the prospects of a Trump presidency, Berlin needs a strategic mindset to lead Europe. When the German economy was in full swing, the government of the day rarely matched its economic …

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EU discusses plan to bolster Egypt amid Red Sea crisis

European foreign ministers met with leaders from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan plus the Arab League secretary-general on Monday (22 January) to discuss the ripple effects of the war in Gaza and the disruption of Red Sea trade. After weeks of attacks by Houthi militants on merchant ships, trade through the …

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Les États-Unis affirment qu’il n’y a pas d’alternative à une guerre plus vaste au Moyen-Orient

La propagande des médias grand public auprès de leurs lecteurs se fait non seulement par ce qu’ils rapportent mais aussi par les points de vue et sujets qu’ils ne rapportent pas. Un exemple parfait est une récente «analyse» par le New York Times d’une position de la Maison-Blanche sur les …

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Deux actions clés de l’Iran : Bombarder le centre d’espionnage du Mossad à Erbil (région kurde de l’Irak) et s’allier avec l’Inde

Après l’Ukraine, les «sept fronts» d’Israël (Gallant dixit, ministre de la défense) ont atteint de nouveaux sommets lorsque les Gardiens de la révolution islamique d’Iran (CGRI) ont lancé de manière inattendue des missiles balistiques de représailles sur des cibles situées dans la capitale provinciale kurde d’Erbil, dans le nord de …

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Adapting to a Multipolar World

In the more complicated global order emerging today, the Middle East and Europe have to think in strategic terms. The year 2024 began with a protracted war in Ukraine, an uninterrupted conflict in Gaza, and a worsening crisis in the Red Sea, while analysts touted new narratives about a rising …

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Turkey’s European Goals: Prospects and Impediments as Seen From Brussels

In rather bold fashion, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stole the show at NATO’s July 2023 summit in Vilnius by seemingly agreeing to Sweden’s accession to the North Atlantic alliance, reopening a dialogue with U.S. President Joe Biden, and putting back on the table the issue of Ankara’s accession to …

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Israeli Media Reported That China Is Using IMEC As A Partial Alternative To The Red Sea

China would probably have never entertained using IMEC had it not been for the Red Sea crisis, but its decision to rely on this route serves the interests of all responsible stakeholders in the global economy, which should prompt members of the Alt-Media Community to radically reconsider their worldview. Ynet, …

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Iran’s strikes on Iraq and Syria ‘message’ to foes

Iran conducted its longest range ballistic missile attack on Monday night, destroying the home of a Kurdish businessman in Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdish region. Among five civilians killed in Erbil were Kurdish business mogul Peshraw Dizayee and his family, including his 11-month-old daughter. Iran also hit targets …

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