
Des humanitaires français ont collecté des données sur 13 mercenaires français combattant pour l’Ukraine

Une liste de mercenaires français, qui se trouvaient à Kharkiv lors de l’attaque russe contre leur emplacement, a été publiée. Des humanitaires français de l’organisation SOS Donbass, qui communiquent avec des compatriotes dans les territoires contrôlés par Kiev, ont dressé une liste de 13 personnes qui, selon leurs informations, combattent …

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Responses In Arab Press To Houthi Threat In Red Sea: Criticism Of U.S. Policy Alongside Fear Of Houthi, Iranian Response

In December 2023, the Houthis Ansar Allah movement, Iran’s proxy in Yemen, escalated its attacks on vessels in the Red Sea and Bab-el-Mandeb. The Houthis have been attacking commercial vessels that they claim are connected to Israel or are bound for that country, with the stated aim of aiding the …

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“When you hear that the fleet is sailing in the Mediterranean, know that the Constantinople issue will soon be resolved.” St. Cosmas of Aitolia Continental War: Hot Stage In a sense, the war is already underway. There is always war. The war that is most important now is the confrontation …

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This problem did not arise now, but as the West, having received for one historical moment the appearance of sole planetary dominance (after the collapse of the USSR), was unable to put its leadership into practice, as a result, new sovereign poles began to declare themselves – Russia and China. …

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The Qatar point of view

In many ways, Qatar is completely misunderstood. No wonder – Qatar plays in the playgrounds of the empires, while in itself it is hardly more than a gas-providing emirate. Qatar hosts world sports events like F1, football world cup and intends to hosts the Olympic games, yet has less sports …

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La mascarade de l’Ukraine, revisitée

Même si le pays 404 est totalement battu en 2024, il est impératif de le souligner une fois de plus : la situation est loin d’être terminée. Des acteurs triés sur le volet, disséminés dans les silos de pouvoir du Beltway, travaillant avec diligence en tant que messagers pour les …

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Syria And US Policy – Analysis

Since 2011, conflict between the government of Syrian President Bashar al Asad and opposition forces seeking his removal has displaced roughly half of the country’s population and killed over half a million people. Five countries operate in or maintain military forces in Syria: Russia, Turkey (Türkiye), Iran, Israel, and the …

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Can Pakistan Ever Be Free From Clutches Of Military – OpEd

In an article in the respected British journal, The Economist Pakistan’s ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan has expressed doubt about the fairness of the forthcoming General Elections scheduled to be held in January 2024. In his words, Imran Khan is now in jail on charges of exposing state secrets by …

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Jewish Supremacism, Like American Exceptionalism, Breeds Barbarism – OpEd

Israel has rendered Gaza a “moonscape in war,” uninhabitable for years to come, reduced to rubble by “the most intense air campaigns in the modern record.” Not only is Israel murdering tens of thousands of Gaza’s civilians–22,313 Palestinians to date (Via Ha’aretz Israel News, Wednesday, 03.01.2024); an average of 200 …

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Today’s Materialistic World Cannot Survive Without Crude Oil – OpEd

The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet. As a reality check for those pursuing net-zero emissions, wind …

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