
Russian Forces Hit Ukrainian Temporary Staging Area for Foreign Mercenaries

The Russian military hit a Ukrainian point of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries, as well as three ammunition depots of the 23rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces, the Russian Defense Ministry said. “Over the course of the day, a fuel base for military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed …

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Iran’s Strikes Into Pakistan ‘Sent Strong Message’ to US, Israel and Their Terror Proxies

The IRGC bombarded bases belonging to the Jaish ul-Adl terrorist militia group in a remote area of Pakistan on Tuesday, with the strikes coming less than 24 hours after separate Iranian attacks on jihadist and Mossad targets in Syria and Iraq. Sputnik asked veteran political analyst Mohammad Marandi about the …

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Germany Is Rebuilding “Fortress Europe” To Assist The US’ “Pivot (Back) To Asia”

The whole point is to leverage this geostrategic project to coerce uncomfortable compromises from Russia in the Ukrainian Conflict while facilitating the US’ “Pivot (back) to Asia”. The first goal might fail, however, but the second likely won’t. Several interconnected developments strongly suggest that Germany’s plan to capture control of …

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Russia Needs To Once Again Brace Itself For A Prolonged Rivalry With Germany

The sooner that Russia’s expert community abandons their wishful thinking hopes for a rapprochement with Germany, the sooner that the Kremlin can promulgate the appropriate policies for containing this latent threat before it’s too late. Top Russian experts Fyodor Lukyanov and Timofey Bordachev published back-to-back analyses at RT about their …

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Debunking The Theory That Iran & Pakistan Secretly Coordinated Their Strikes Against One Another

Many among the Alt-Media Community have an over-simplistic view of International Relations whereby they tend to imagine that all countries that support multipolarity are on the same side, which is why they chalk up “politically inconvenient” developments like last week’s tit-for-tat strikes between SCO members Iran and Pakistan as being …

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L’avertissement du Yémen à l’Union européenne

Déclaration du membre du Bureau politique d’AnsarAllah, Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti Mon message aux pays de l’Union européenne concernant leur éventuelle participation à une mission militaire en mer Rouge est le suivant. L’état exceptionnel de stabilité et de sécurité que l’Europe a connu après la Seconde Guerre mondiale est le résultat des …

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Slovakia’s new populist prime minister will visit his Hungarian counterpart in Budapest on Tuesday. Experts disagree about the viability of a new Slovak-Hungarian ‘illiberal alliance’.Robert Fico, the recently elected Slovak prime minister, will be in Budapest on Tuesday to meet with his opposite number Viktor Orban. The visit is, after …

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2023 Ends With Wave of Misinformation, Online Attacks and Scams Across Balkans

At the end of 2023, the Balkans was ensnared in a complex tapestry of digital misdirection, a surge of online attacks targeting women and escalating cyber threats.In the closing months of 2023, a wave of misinformation gripped North Macedonia, Hungary, Romania, and Turkey. Deceptive political narratives, manipulated charts, and orchestrated …

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UK Defense Minister’s Call – Prepare For War With Russia, China, Iran, North Korea Within 5 Years

UK defense minister Grant Shapps has predicted a global conflict between the West and Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, within five years. Shapps has called on Britain’s allies to increase their military spending in response to this so-called “existential threat.” In his first speech as defense chief on Monday, …

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Russia’s Outrage Over U.S. Strikes Against Houthis Is Just Bluster

Moscow has little to gain from a major flare-up in the Red Sea, which means Washington’s efforts to stop Houthi attacks on shipping are likely to be quietly welcomed. Predictably, Russia has been deeply critical of strikes by the United States and the United Kingdom against Yemen’s Houthi militia, which …

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