
Salafi-Jihadi Movement Weekly Update, January 10, 2024: New IS Campaign Presents Pro-Palestine Propaganda Opportunities for Sub-Saharan Affiliates

Data Cutoff: January 10, 2024, at 10 a.m. Key Takeaway: IS affiliates across sub-Saharan Africa have claimed attacks as part of the new IS global campaign and could attempt to carry out high-visibility attacks against civilians and religious sites in their areas of operation to maximize the propaganda value of …

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Bab el-Mandeb, Gaza, et la géopolitique de la guerre

En 2008, lors d’une visite à Paris, Shimon Perez avait rallié la France à son projet qui devait relier la mer Rouge à la mer Morte. Les médias français avaient surtout retenu son initiative de «Vallée de la paix», ou vallée d’Arava, territoire situé aux confins de la Cisjordanie, de …

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Frapper le Yémen de loin n’aboutira à rien

«Le Commandement central étatsunien (CENTCOM) a annoncé que les forces étatsuniennes ont lancé une nouvelle frappe, ciblant un site radar présumé utilisé par le mouvement Ansarullah au Yémen. La frappe, menée par l’USS Carney (DDG 64) à l’aide de missiles d’attaque terrestre Tomahawk, fait suite à la précédente le 12 …

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Impossible de rétablir la paix en mer Rouge par des moyens militaires

Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU n’a pas autorisé l’usage de la force contre le Yémen alors que les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni sont à la tête d’une coalition internationale qui a lancé une attaque d’envergure contre les rebelles Houthis en mer Rouge, ce jeudi 11 janvier. Cette fois, ce …

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After 20 Years, It’s Time For America To Leave Iraq – OpEd

On Jan. 4, 2024, the U.S. assassinated Mushtaq Jawad Kazim al-Jawari, a commander in an Iran-linked Iraqi militia. The Pentagon press release called the militia a “terrorist group” and claimed the strike was in “self-defense.” But it neglected to mention the militia was also part of the Popular Mobilization Forces …

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Why Lebanon Seems Destined To Be The Middle East’s Perennial Theater Of War – Analysis

Israel’s suspected killing of senior Hamas figure Saleh Al-Arouri in Beirut on Jan. 2, followed by the death of Hezbollah commander Wissam Al-Tawil in a similar strike in southern Lebanon on Jan. 8, has once again thrust the country into the midst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Although Israeli forces and …

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Iran Strongly Condemns ‘Arbitrary’ US, British Attacks On Yemen

Iran has vehemently condemned the military actions undertaken by the United States and Britain in Yemen, labeling them as “arbitrary” and a blatant violation of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. “The attacks are a breach of international laws and regulations,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said in Iran’s initial response …

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Fair Or Fake? Iran Readies For Key Elections In 2024 – Analysis

The internal politics of Iran is being shaken by the election agenda while the Israel-Hamas war continues in a tense phase. The elections scheduled for March 1, 2024, will define both the composition of the 12th term parliament and the Council of Experts, which is empowered to appoint the Supreme …

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Iran: Regime Purging Candidates Ahead Of Sham Parliamentary Elections – OpEd

As Iran’s regime nears its sham parliamentary elections, scheduled for March, the process of purging the key regime figures from running for office has reached a point thateven the regime newspaper Ham-Mihan wrote on January 7, “No news has had as strong a reaction as the disqualification of Seyyed Mahmoud …

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The lessons Washington needs to learn from the strike on the Houthis

US President Joe Biden should be applauded for Thursday’s strikes against the Houthis. International trade is constrained by eight primary maritime chokepoints, hard realities imposed by immutable geography. The United States has long recognized a vital national security interest in ensuring freedom of navigation through each of them. This strike …

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