
Green capitalism is a con

If religion was the opium of the masses in the days of Karl Marx, then today’s drug is the cult of green capitalism. The West has been fooled into thinking that a combination of futuristic green technologies and green growth will save humanity from the climate crisis. As long as …

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Who will fight for Britain?

Pax Americana has hollowed out our sense of duty The year I was born, one of the most famous New Wave songs of all time was released: Elvis Costello’s “Oliver’s Army”. It was written after Costello visited Northern Ireland during the Troubles. There, he described seeing “mere boys walking around …

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Should Britain lead the war in Yemen?

We are always at the tip of the American spear “The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living,” Karl Marx observed. When it comes to British military adventurism in the Middle East, that certainly rings true. The recent history of British interventions …

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Yemen: Houthis Vow ‘Strong Response’ After New US Strike

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis have threatened a “strong and effective response” after the US carried out another strike in the country, ratcheting up tensions as Washington vows to protect shipping from attacks by the group. The latest strike, which the US said hit a radar site, came a day after dozens …

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From Russia With Love: How Moscow Courts The Global South – Analysis

It was a few months into Russia’s war on Ukraine when reaching out to the global south became a topic of discussion in the West. Having been shocked by the invasion, Europe speedily heaped new sanctions on Russia, bussed millions of Ukrainian refugees to safety, and scrambled to send arms …

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L’industrie allemande paie cher les sanctions contre la Russie

En Allemagne, l’industrie enregistre une baisse record sur les trois dernières années. Le moral des milieux d’affaires quant à la situation actuelle dans le pays est au plus bas depuis août 2020. Selon l’office allemand de la statistique, l’industrie du pays a connu une chute de presque 5% en glissement …

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US Bombs Drop and Risk of Wider War Rises

Sometimes it is even more clear than usual, the priorities of US capitalism: near 24,000 civilian lives lost is acceptable, a 20% drop in Red Sea traffic is not. Assuring Israel’s survival as a US base in the Middle East is essential, minimizing the risk of wider war in the …

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Mapping Disinformation in Africa

Russia has pioneered a model of disinformation to gain political influence in Africa that is now being replicated by other actors across the continent. Disinformation is the intentional dissemination of false information with the intent of advancing a political objective. Africa has been the increasingly frequent target of such campaigns. …

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Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing with regard to strikes by US-led “international coalition” against the territory of Yemen

Mr.President, We thank Khaled Khiari for the briefing. However, in the context of an obvious armed aggression against a sovereign country, we would have liked to see the UN Secretary-General as a briefer today. The main task of the United Nations, as enshrined in its Charter, is to prevent threats …

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Russia’s Response To The West’s Anti-Houthi Strikes Will Remain Limited To Rhetoric

Russia is unwilling to spark World War III over the Houthis, lacks the logistical ability to clandestinely support them even if it wanted to, and pragmatically prioritizes ties with the wealthy Gulf Kingdoms over that impoverished Yemeni rebel group. Anyone who claims otherwise is maliciously setting others up for inevitable …

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