The Republic of Moldova is strongly interested in consolidation of relations with Romania in the military sphere, and hopes they will be developing at a growing pace, Moldovan Minister of Defense Vitalie Marinuta stated today during his meeting with admiral Gheorghe Marin, Romania’s Chief of Joint Staff.
Read More »Emil Boc, la ONU: România, preocupată de conflictele îngheţate din regiunea extinsă a Mării Negre
România este preocupată de conflictele îngheţate din regiunea extinsă a Mării Negre şi Caucazului de Sud, a declarat, vineri, primul-ministru român, Emil Boc, de la tribuna celei de 65-a sesiuni a Adunării Generale a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite. Premierul Emil Boc şi-a ţinut discursul spre finalul şedinţei de vineri seară, cele …
Read More »Macedonian President reiterates determination to resolve name dispute with Greece
Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov told the UN General Assembly on Friday (September 24th) that he hopes his country will soon be able to reach an agreement in its long-standing name dispute with Greece. “I hope that, as two
Read More »Serbian President tells UN talks with Kosovo will start soon
Talks will Kosovo will start soon, Serbian President Boris Tadic told the UN General Assembly on Saturday (September 25th). Addressing participants in the assembly’s 65th session, Tadic called for patience and said the two
Read More »Valentin Inzko urges BiH to return to European integration
BiH — High Representative Valentin Inzko said on Saturday (September 25th) that the leaders of BiH should exit the “blind street” they have entered and instead start explaining to the EU why their country should become a member
Read More »Albanian president calls for recognitions
Albanian President Bamir Topi used the UN General Assembly session to call upon countries which did not recognize Kosovo to do so. At the same time he advocated a dialogue between Belgrade and Priština as, as he said, “two independent countries”.
Read More »Serbia and Turkey sign cooperation agreement
Serbian Labor Minister Rasim Ljajić and his Turkish counterpart Omer Dincer on Thursday signed an agreement on cooperation. They assessed that the agreement between the two ministries signed on Thursday will significantly improve bilateral relations.
Read More »U.S. Secretary of State and Georgian President discuss stability and security in South Caucasus
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met in New York. The meeting was held at the initiative of the U.S side and lasted about an hour.
Read More »Azerbaijan, Georgia discuss border delimitation
The 11-th meeting of the commission on delimitation and demarcation of borders between Azerbaijan and Georgia was held in the Azerbaijani town of Balaken on September 23-24. “The need for experts’ clarification of uncoordinated issues on the spot was revealed during discussions,” the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said.
Read More »Greece, EU deny rescue loan extension
Officials in Greece and the European Union on Thursday denied media reports that Athens is seeking an extension of an international rescue loan agreement beyond 2012. “There will be no extension of the (loan) agreement – we state this categorically, and of course there is no question of extending the …
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