
Nova Makedonija: Albanians to be put in another encyclopedia

The name Albanians and the time when they arrived in Macedonia are issues that are interpreted in different ways in other encyclopedias published in the country earlier and in Former Yugoslavia, Macedonian Nova Makedonija newspaper writes. Some back the thesis that the Albanians arrived in Macedonia in the XVI century, …

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Russia, Bulgaria to continue co-operation on Belene NPP project

Russia and Bulgaria will continue co-operation on the construction of Belene NPP, the first vice-president of Atomstroyeksport Alexander Gluhov said. “We will not stop the project but will continue it after we correct the financial scheme.” Gluhov pointed negotiations in Bulgaria with the Russian energy minister Sergey Shmatko and head …

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Reunification must be achieved by Cypriots themselves, President tells UN debate

UNITED NATIONS The unification of Cyprus must be brought about by Cypriots themselves, President Demetris Christofias told the General Assembly yesterday, adding the despite progress in negotiations, serious obstacles remain towards finding a final solution for the Mediterranean island. Mr. Christofias said that he and the leader of the Turkish …

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Russia Requests Belgrade Street Names Changes

Russia’s Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Konuzin has asked Belgrade to switch back street names to those of Russian soldiers that took part in the liberation of Belgrade during World War II, local media report. The daily newspaper Blic speculates that the proposal comes ahead of a visit by Russian President …

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Bosnian Town Files Charges Against Dodik

The Bosnian town of Tuzla has filed criminal charges against the prime minister of the Serb-dominated Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska for denying that massacres of civilians in Tuzla and Sarajevo took place during the 1992-95 war. Milorad Dodik has said that a Serb mortar attack in 1995 that killed …

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Creativity Urged From Greece, Macedonia

Enough ideas are on the table for Macedonia and Greece to start thinking creatively and find a solution for their “name” spat, the UN mediator Matthew Nimetz said Thursday in New York after meeting Macedonian President Georgi Ivanov. “I intend to resume the talks as soon as the new government …

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Romania President Calls for Referendum

Romania’s President Traian Basescu late Thursday called for a referendum that would pave the way for the introduction of single chamber parliament, arguing that the current system is too cumbersome and slow. He suggested that the referendum should take place on 22 November, the same day the presidential elections are …

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Croatian President at Odds With Church

Croatia’s President Stepjan Mesic welcomed the visit by Croatia’s top prelate Cardinal Josip Bozanic to the notorious World War II concentration camps this week, but commented that the visit should have come ‘much earlier’. Bozanic, accompanied by some 400 priests, set out on a historic pilgrimage to visit the sites …

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Serbia Says All Visa Conditions Met

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic announced that the government on Firday sent its official report to the European Commission showing that it has met all the conditions for the lifting of the visa regime. Speaking at a round table titled “Towards the White Schengen List“, Djelic explained that the …

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Kostunica to Form New Serbia Political Block

The leader of the Democratic Party of Serbia, DSS, and former prime minister Vojislav Kostunica says he will form a new political block, which will gather opponents to the government’s current Kosovo and Vojvodina policies. In an interview with Tanjug news agency, the DSS leader said that “the block will …

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