
Macedonia Could Go To Early Elections

MACEDONIA Although political parties deny it, the atmosphere in the country indicates that Macedonians could be heading to the polls soon, political analysts say. The ruling centre-right VMRO-DPMNE, which instigated and won the 2008 snap election, could again catch the opposition Social Democrats, who are is in the midst of …

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Exercise Brings Bosnia Closer to NATO

BiH NATO has successfully completed its Joint Endeavour 2009 exercise, conducted in north-western Bosnia and Herzegovina over the past fortnight. “Joint Endeavour brings Bosnia and Herzegovina closer to NATO,” Sarajevo daily Dnevni Avaz reported on Friday. Speaking at the closing ceremony in the town of Banja Luka on Thursday afternoon, …

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FM: Macedonia Constructive In Name Talks

MACEDONIA Macedonia’s position in the ongoing Athens-Skopje name talks allows a positive step to be taken towards a solution, Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki said Thursday. Milososki was answering a journalist’s question on whether a statement made by President Gjorge Ivanov in Berlin, two days earlier, that Macedonia remains committed to …

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Macedonia Moves To Erase Red Star

MACEDONIA The five-pointed red star on Macedonia’s official coat of arms, could soon be consigned to history. The government has already decided to remove the star, which dates back to the period when the country was part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, local Dnevnik daily reveals on Friday.

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Jeremić: EU bid still possible by year’s end

SERBIA Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić says that Serbia could submit its EU membership application before the end of the year, during the Swedish EU presidency. Jeremić said that, for Serbia, submitting the application was “strategically important, vital and crucial, and that it would draw a line under the international debate …

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EULEX wants access to KPS files

KOSOVO EULEX wants to reach an agreement with the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) giving the mission access to all police information, writes Priština daily Koha Ditore. “EULEX wants to establish a permanent system that would allow it to make non-stop, ad hoc requests for access to the Kosovo police’s information,” …

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Future Cabinet members can hold several nationalities

MOLDOVA The members of the new Government will be allowed to hold multiple nationalities, not only Moldovan. This is said in a bill with amendments to the Law on the Government, which was passed by a majority vote on Thursday. The given decision aroused the dissatisfaction of the parliamentary group …

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Dodik pays visit to Plavšić

Biljana Plavšić is well and is delighted with the Hague’s decision to release her on October 27, says Republic of Srpska PM Milorad Dodik after visiting her. Stating that they had discussed a number of issues, Dodik said yesterday that Plavšić needed rest and rehabilitation after all the years that …

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Parliament modifies Law on Government and agrees structure of new executive

MOLDOVA The new Government of Moldova will be composed of 16 ministries, as the previous one, and of 8 central administrative authorities. Two ministries were dissolved, while the name of some of the ministries was modified. A relevant decision was passed in first reading by a majority vote on September …

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Mihai Ghimpu holds post of caretaker president legally

MOLDOVA The Constitutional Court Thursday ruled that Speaker Mihai Gimpu occupies the position of caretaker head of state legally. The Court’s president Dumitru Pulbere recognized the need to lay down clear rules as regards the procedure for taking over the post of president on an interim basis, stressing the importance …

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