
Operation Iron Swords (Updated to 1 p.m., December 6, 2023)

The combat arena: During the past day, IDF forces continued to attack Hamas terroriststrongholds in Jabalia and Shejaiya. IDF fighters surrounded the Khan Yunis area and enteredthe center of the city. According to IDF sources, it was the day of the heaviest fighting seensince the beginning of the war. Hamas …

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Presidents of Iran, Russia Hail Bilateral Ties

Latest Developments The presidents of Russia and Iran praised their countries’ bilateral relationship during a meeting in Moscow on December 7. “Our relations are developing very well,” said Russia’s Vladimir Putin to Iran’s Ebrahim Raisi. “Please convey my best wishes to leader Khamenei,” referring to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali …

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Is Aleksandar Vučić ready to give up Milan Radoičić because of the Interpol warrant?

Aleksandar Vučić will defend and protect Milan Radoičić from being extradited to Kosovo and Metohija according to the Interpol warrant, until his authority is threatened in any way, say Danas interlocutors, commenting on the international search for the former vice-president of the Serbian List and Vučić’s closest associate on the …

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The Case for Conservative Internationalism

How to Reverse the Inward Turn of Republican Foreign Policy It is hard to think of a more chaotic moment in the history of the Republican Party than the present; perhaps only Andrew Johnson’s 1865–68 presidency comes close. The GOP’s de facto leader, former President Donald Trump, faces 91 felony …

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Operation Iron Swords
Updated to 1 p.m., December 5, 2023

The combat arena: The integrated IDF forces extended the fighting in the Gaza Strip,focusing their activity in the Jabalia and Shejaiya areas in the northern Gaza Strip and in theKhan Yunis region in the south. The Palestinian media reported a very difficult night in theKhan Yunis region and in the …

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Henry Kissinger: Snake Oil Salesman of Gangster Realism

“‘He’ll have ye smilin’,” an old Irish saying goes, “while he takes the gold out of your teeth’.” Charles Glass, London Review of Books, Oct 20, 2022 The obituaries of criminals, masterful or otherwise, are always going to be sordid matters. Either one has time for the deeds, giving column …

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Infamous War Criminal Henry Kissinger Dead

Infamous war criminal, former U.S. Secretary of State and Nobel Peace Prize winner Henry Kissinger passed away at age 100 on Wednesday. The renowned diplomat, and infamous to many people in the Third World, died at his home in Connecticut, his consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, said in a statement. The …

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The bombing of hospitals and local violence dynamics
in civil wars

Can coercive airpower quell a rebellion? Existing literature on the effects of counterinsurgentviolence focuses predominantly on casualties resulting from attacks on civilians. It thusoverlooks the targeting of civilian infrastructure, which is a frequent phenomenon in war. We fillthis gap by examining the targeting of healthcare as one of the most …

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Azerbaijan Busted A US Government-Funded Information Warfare Operation

Although Azerbaijan and India have different views on Karabakh and Kashmir, they’ve found themselves under similar pressure from the US, and this is precisely due to them being regional multipolar leaders. “The West’s Pro-Armenian Pivot Is Complete After The US & EU Openly Took Its Side” last month against Azerbaijan …

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Azerbaijan Escalates ‘US Spy’ Rhetoric, Arrests Another Journalist

Azerbaijan’s pro-government media has been ramping up its anti-U.S. rhetoric and the government is publicly musing about banning the activities of USAID, the U.S. government’s international development arm. A campaign against supposed “U.S. spies” continued with the arrest of a fourth media manager in a week’s time. The sharp anti-U.S. …

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