
Moscow’s Search for Foreign Recruits Reveals Its Growing Desperation

Last month, Ukrainian researchers and Politico correspondents revealed that they had identified nearly 200 Cubans who had joined the Russian military in recent weeks, with enlistees ranging in age between 19 and 69. In interviews, Cuban recruits reported a range of Russian tactics to secure new personnel. Many in particular …

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America’s political paralysis is complicating its support for Ukraine

Another congressional vote will highlight the problem AMERICA PRIDES itself as the world’s arsenal of democracy. Now the great arsenal is drying up. A combination of industrial overstretch and political paralysis is threatening its ability to arm allies in Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The Senate will soon make a new …

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Putin seems to be winning the war in Ukraine—for now

His biggest asset is Europe’s lack of strategic vision FOR THE first time since Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24th 2022, he looks as if he could win. Russia’s president has put his country on a war footing and strengthened his grip on power. He has procured military supplies …

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Kissinger’s Great Game

To those who steep themselves in history, and others who follow international affairs with obsessive focus, the bill of particulars often cited this week in critical appraisals of Henry Kissinger’s record as an unusually powerful figure in the history of U.S. foreign policy may already seem blandly familiar. The list …

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Judaïsme, sionisme, et le droit divin d’exterminer

Comme je l’ai rappelé récemment (ici), la judéité n’est ni strictement religieuse, ni strictement ethno-nationale. Elle est bibliquement fondée par une «alliance» dont les termes sont clairement énoncés dans le Deutéronome : alliance des juifs avec leur dieu (culte exclusif), et alliance des juifs entre eux (stricte endogamie) – le …

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The Syrian Democratic Forces’ Arab Coalition is Crumbling, Creating Opportunities for ISIS, Iran, and Turkey

The coalition between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Arab tribes in Deir ez Zor is fracturing amid clashes over long-standing grievances. The SDF’s response to the clashes very likely will undermine its ability to maintain control in the province for at least the next several months. The SDF …

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The Anglo-American Axis Benefits From The Ecological Terrorist Attack In The Baltic Sea

This terrorist attack destroyed any chance of an energy-driven Russian-German rapprochement, immediately catapulted Poland into the position of being one of the continent’s most pivotal energy hubs, and thus took the Anglo-American Axis’ plans for dividing and ruling Europe to the next level. The unprecedented damage done to the Nord …

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Ukraine : Erreurs d’appréciation des gouvernances néo-conservatrices occidentales

Tous les jours, la simple observation des faits concernant le bras de fer OTAN-Russie en Ukraine nous montre que des erreurs d’appréciation énormissimes ont été commises sur le réel état de l’économie russe, sur les capacités militaires des forces armées et de leur leadership, et sur la résilience et l’esprit …

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Why Is the Eurasian Economic Union Broken?

The EAEU is largely ineffective in terms of economic cooperation and integration, which are paradoxically its very reasons for being. The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), comprising Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Belarus, and Russia, has been a relatively successful geopolitical project for Russia, which stands as the union’s uncontested dominant player. But …

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IDF uncovers Hamas weapons cache, terror lab inside Gaza

The IDF continued its counter-invasion of the Gaza Strip on Sunday, uncovering an arsenal of Hamas weaponry including armed drones and RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) as Operation Swords of Iron entered its 30th day. The IDF, which struck over 2,500 targets in Gaza in the past week as per Israeli media, …

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