
Militant Nationalism Is Reshaping Identity in Iran and Saudi Arabia

As risks of further escalation begin to mount, frantic diplomatic efforts are currently underway to prevent the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza from spiraling into a wider regional conflict. But while global leaders and publics remain transfixed by this unfolding tragedy, other trends in the region whose long-term impact could prove …

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Qatar is the go-to mediator in the Mideast war. Its unprecedented Tel Aviv trip saved a shaky truce

The deal seemed on the verge of unraveling. Hamas had accused Israel of failing to keep its side of the bargain and Israel was threatening to resume its lethal onslaught on the Gaza Strip. That was the point at which a Qatari jet landed at Israel’s Ben-Gurion International Airport on …

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Israel’s war is about to escalate

As I look out over Lebanon from high up on Israel’s northern border, I see undulating hills dappled with hedgerows and green brush that glows golden in the winter sun. But this is far from an idyll. Lebanese Hezbollah have been firing into Israel since October 7. And it is …

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Afrique : L’Algérie porte d’entrée aux groupes terroristes Hamas et Hezbollah

Le continent africain, scène de conflits d’influence, est actuellement l’objet d’investissements de la part de plusieurs pays, parmi lesquels l’Iran occupe une position prééminente. Concrètement, la présence de l’Iran en Algérie confère une influence bien plus marquée que celle de l’État islamique ou d’Al-Qaïda en Afrique.

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Le Décalogue du sioniste

En toute circonstance, ton statut unique de victime historique, tu rappelleras. En tant que «peuple élu», toujours selon ton bon vouloir, tu feras1. Et sur la notion de peuple juif et sur l’exode en 70 ap. JC, malgré les évidences, malgré les doutes, tu t’appuieras.2De la propagande, des manipulations, tu …

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Le chapeau du magicien et le grand simulacre du baume palliatif

L’échange d’otages actuel est centré sur Gaza. Cependant, Israël a trois fronts de conflit chaud ouverts. Le magicien entre en scène, sa cape noire tourbillonne autour de lui. Au centre de la scène, il brandit son chapeau : Il est vide. Il lui donne un léger coup de poing pour …

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The Russia-Ukraine War Is Just About Over

The handwriting was on the wall. An Op-Ed in the New York Times entitled “I’m a Ukrainian, and I Refuse to Compete for Your Attention” summed things up nicely: a media junket the author’s friend had been organizing to Ukraine was canceled. The TV crew instead left for the Middle …

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Hamas attempts to ignite Judea and Samaria
Updated November 22, 2023

Since October 7, 2023, when the war in the Gaza Strip began, Hamas has been working toignite Judea and Samaria to open another front that will engage Israel’s security forces, partof the concept the “unity of the arenas” which Hamas and the “axis of resistance”2 developedearlier. Senior Hamas terrorists, led …

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Rise Of China And Its Effects On US Hegemony – OpEd

Following the implementation of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China’s growth raised and it became a major player in the world economy. China’s economy has been growing for some time now. Due to investments in globalization, industrialization, and infrastructure, it has become the world’s second-largest economy.Over 800 million people …

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Qatar: We Talk To Everyone – OpEd

“We don’t do enemies,” a one-time foreign minister of Qatar once said. “We talk to everyone.” This is the policy pursued with determination over the past thirty years by the tiny Gulf state of Qatar in its long-term effort to become a major player on the world stage – and …

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