
‘Jerusalem Flood’ And Erdogan’s Caliphate Project: The Islamist Reconquista As A Doomsday For Palestinians – Analysis

The world has been pushed into conflicts with endless global implications, and Erdogan’s Turkey has been exploiting every possible regional and international conflict in a campaign to establish an empire that is no less devastating than the Third Reich. Unlike Hitler, however, Erdogan pragmatically combines both nationalist and religious means …

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Iraqis warn of western plan to move Gazans to Anbar desert

While the idea of relocating Palestinians to Iraq’s Anbar region may appear improbable, western-backed conflicts have already displaced millions in the region – many of which appear to be demographically-engineered. The settlement of Palestinians in the Anbar desert, western Iraq, has become a topic of renewed discussion among Iraqis, thanks …

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Between Iraq and a hard place: Sudani’s US dilemma over Gaza

As Israel crosses ‘red lines’ set by the Resistance, a neutral Baghdad is caught between Washington’s endorsement of the Gaza genocide and Iraqi resistance factions gunning for an American regional defeat. The Yamamah Palace, the epicenter of Saudi Arabia’s royal authority in Riyadh, is known for its deliberate and measured …

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Palestinian Islamic Jihad: ‘Al-Aqsa Flood was a preemptive strike against the enemy’

In an exclusive interview, a top PIJ official revealed that the 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood operation was a preemptive strike against a US-Israeli plan to destroy the Palestinian resistance. Now, he says, we will not stop until we ‘break the American-Zionist project in this region.’ In an exclusive interview with …

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Sinai as an alternative to Gaza: Who is funding this? Who is passing the deal?

Egyptian Sinai has returned to the forefront of the conflict between the Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli occupation, with the circulation of plans that include the displacement of the residents of the Gaza Strip there, in exchange for a huge financial deal with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi’s regime. Despite …

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Proche-Orient : le retour de la « cause palestinienne »

Les manifestations organisées dans de nombreux pays arabes et musulmans en soutien à la population de la bande de Gaza, depuis que la minuscule enclave palestinienne est pilonnée jour et nuit par Israël en riposte aux attaques du Hamas le 7 octobre 2023, ont replacé au cœur des discussions la …

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Comment l’Iran mobilise son « Axe de la Résistance » face à Israël

L’attaque dévastatrice du Hamas le 7 octobre a changé la donne au Moyen-Orient. Le dossier israélo-palestinien, relégué au second plan depuis au moins une dizaine d’années, est brutalement revenu au cœur de la géopolitique régionale. Alors que la guerre en cours entre le Hamas et Israël enhardit les mandataires de …

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Le monde plonge dans une frénésie eschatologique qui pourrait avoir de graves conséquences

Simplicius the thinker La ferveur eschatologique qui imprègne la crise palestinienne atteint des sommets extraordinaires. Les responsables du monde entier tombent le masque et révèlent sans le vouloir la dimension biblique du conflit. Les personnalités politiques ne cessent d’émailler leurs proclamations de références et d’allégories bibliques. Le premier d’entre eux …

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Lorsque les psychopathes prennent le contrôle de la société

NdT – Quelques extraits (en vrac) traitant des psychopathes et de leur emprise sur les sociétés modernes où ils s’épanouissent à merveille jusqu’au point de devenir une minorité dirigeante. Des passages paraîtront étrangement familiers et feront probablement penser à des situations et/ou des personnages existants ou ayant existé. Tu me …

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“The Cold War is becoming a reality before our eyes.” NATO officially declares Russia the main threat

The NATO 2030 report, presented in early December in Brussels, recognizes Russia as the main threat of the coming decade. The alliance is shifting to a Cold War-style containment strategy. Military observer Alexander Golts believes that the unity of the West is especially evident against the background of the CSTO …

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