
PKK is not Hezbollah

Turkey says that Israel’s recent action in Lebanon to stop Hezbollah attacks means that Turkey should be allowed to take similar steps against Kurdish guerrillas operating from northern Iraq against Turkish forces.

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US outflanked in Eurasia energy politics

The United States’ global energy-control strategy, it’s now clear to most, was the actual reason for the highly costly regime change in Iraq, euphemistically dubbed “democracy” by Washington. But while it is preoccupied with implanting democracy in the Middle East, the United States is quietly being outflanked in the rush …

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Why Milosevic Was Murdered

Tinpot dictator blew the whistle on the New World Order Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Slobodan Milosevic was a distasteful man with authoritarian Communist ideals. But the reasons for his murder revolve around his evergreen willingness to blow the whistle on the global criminal masterminds who had made the mistake of …

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Ahmadinejad says Israel should be moved to Europe

‘Now that you believe the Jews were oppressed, why should the Palestinian Muslims have to pay the price?’ TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday that if Germany and Austria feel responsible for massacring Jews during World War II, a state of Israel should be established on their …

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