
Palestinians’ War on Israel and US Senators’ Delusional ‘Two-State Solution’

Less than 48 hours after 20 US Democratic Senators urged President Joe Biden to push for the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of a normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Iran’s Palestinian terror proxies launched a massive attack on Israel, killing more than 700 Israeli men, women …

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Debunking The Conspiracy Theory That Netanyahu Wanted Last Weekend’s Attacks To Happen

Observers can still be opposed to the border barrier in particular, Israeli policy towards Palestine in general, and Netanyahu personally while also acknowledging that he’s such a security-obsessed leader that it doesn’t make sense to claim that he’d let Hamas powerfully undermine all three for any reason. Hamas’ sneak attack …

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The Iron Swords – the First Gaza War The war in the south of Israel (Updated to 1 p.m., October 8, 2023)

Overview On the morning of October 7, 2023, hundreds of armed Hamas terrorist operatives breached the border security fence and began pouring into Israel from the Gaza Strip, driving pickup trucks and motorcycle, on foot and using motorized hang gliders, heading towards IDF bases and the Israeli villages surrounding Gaza. …

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The Top Ten Takeaways From Hamas’ Sneak Attack On Israel

Everything that’s happened thus far has been eye-opening for everyone. Hamas launched an unprecedented sneak attack on Israel over the weekend that completely caught the self-professed Jewish State by surprise after all its security systems unexpectedly failed at the same time. The border wall was breached, some military bases were …

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Forty years ago, William Gibson, an American science fiction writer who moved to Canada, completed his first novel, Neuromancer, which, after its release in 1984, brought the author incredible popularity. Excellent text, a twisting plot (with references to the author’s previous stories) and many ideas that were implemented years later …

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On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Hamas movement began military operations against Israel. Israeli cities and towns bordering the Gaza Strip were attacked. Hamas’ military wing said it had struck more than 50 Israeli military positions. The militant wing of the Palestinian movement Hamas issued a statement that during the …

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The Question Of A Strategic Security Partnership Between Europe And The Arab World

Abstract: This paper deals with the question of the extent to which a security partnership between European and the Arab states increases mutual security on the one hand, and on the other hand, how such cooperation affects the development of the Arab developing states. Finally, it asks whether a new …

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US downs Turkish drone as Turkey bombs infrastructure in Syria’s Kurdish zone

The reports came as Turkish forces pounded strategic economic installations today in the Kurdish-run zone, including oil installations and power stations. A US F-16 fighter jet has downed an unmanned Turkish drone close to a coalition facility in northeastern Syria, where 900 US special operation forces are deployed, a move …

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Battles in Kosovo

A deadly circus took place in Kosovo. Adventurism and splurge that brought the possibility of embargo, isolation, visas and – war back to the already dreary reality. Obviously, we didn’t have enough, so the deder of one and the same. And nothing is clear to anyone, even though it was …

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How Coups In Niger, Mali And Burkina Faso Have Further Destabilized Africa’s Sahel Belt – Analysis

North African states have seen an uptick in the number of migrants arriving and risking the perilous Mediterranean crossing to Southern Europe since a military coup in Niger severed cooperation between the West African nation and the EU. Migration emanating from the Sahel, a belt of nations stretching from Mali …

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