
After Ankara bombing, Turkey hits back in Iraq and at home

Turkey said it unleashed air strikes on militant targets in northern Iraq and detained suspects in Istanbul overnight, hours after Kurdish militants said they orchestrated the first bomb attack in the capital Ankara in years. On Sunday morning, two attackers detonated a bomb near government buildings in Ankara, killing them …

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It’s Premature To Conclude That Poland Replaced Germany’s Role In Guiding EU Foreign Policy

Poland is unprecedentedly important nowadays, but Germany still remains in control of the EU’s foreign policy. What changed over the past year, however, is that Berlin has finally decided to jump on Warsaw’s Russophobic bandwagon in an attempt to lead this trend. Its policymakers decided to do so in order …

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Russia Needs To Once Again Brace Itself For A Prolonged Rivalry With Germany

The sooner that Russia’s expert community abandons their wishful thinking hopes for a rapprochement with Germany, the sooner that the Kremlin can promulgate the appropriate policies for containing this latent threat before it’s too late. Top Russian experts Fyodor Lukyanov and Timofey Bordachev published back-to-back analyses at RT about their …

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Germany’s New Anti-Russian Role Is Partially Due To Its Regional Competition With Poland

Ideological motivations and shadowy US influence networks only go so far in accounting for Germany’s pivot from Russia’s top partner in Europe to one of its top opponents. The latest analysis for RT from leading Russian expert Fyodor Lukyanov would arguably have benefited by incorporating a geopolitical dimension with regards …

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Olaf Scholz’s Manifesto For Foreign Affairs Magazine Confirms Germany’s Hegemonic Ambitions

The German leader just published what can be interpreted as his manifesto explaining why his country must supposedly restore its prior hegemonic status, and it was released by none other than the same magazine run by the Council on Foreign Affairs, which is regarded as among the most influential policymaking …

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Ukraine’s Ungratefulness Is Finally Starting To Perturb Poland

A self-sustaining cycle of mutual mistrust is beginning to infect bilateral ties, but this was inevitable owing to their contradictory national interests on some sensitive issues and the lack of any pressure valve for responsibly managing this in public like other partners have. Poland is unlikely to back down from …

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Poland’s Hyping Up the German Threat to Central Europe to Consolidate Its Regional Influence

By dragging down Germany and thus weakening its influence over Central & Eastern Europe simultaneously with empowering Poland’s rise as a Great Power over that same strategic space, the US hopes to play their EuroLiberal and EuroRealist blocs off against one another in order to perpetually divide and rule the …

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Georgia Is Targeted For Regime Change Over Its Refusal To Open A “Second Front” Against Russia

The West wants to punish Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili for his pragmatic refusal to open up a “second front” in the US’ proxy war on Russia after he publicly exposed this plot in early December while also pledging never to arm Kiev either. The artificially manufactured furor over Georgia’s US-inspired …

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Exposing The US’ Double Standards Towards Others’ Similar Or Identical Foreign Agent Laws

What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander if all things were equal, but the fact of the matter is that they aren’t. The US’ concerns about other countries’ FARA-like legislation are insincere and predicated on a guilty conscience. The US’ opposition to the Bosnian Serbs’ proposal …

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US ‘stands firmly’ with Turkey after PKK attack but is walking fine line with Iraq

Turkey’s crackdown on the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) following a suicide attack in Ankara has left the US in a difficult position. While Washington has condemned the attack and voiced support for Turkey’s right to defend itself, mass arrests and air strikes in Kurdish areas of Iraq have led to …

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