
“Making a thriller from grain”

Grain is an old tool, weapon is the appropriate term, of imperialism. Once, the weapon was widely used by imperialism; and the weapon was used against countries in the Southern Hemisphere – to control, press and coerce the countries whenever the master of the world order desired. Use of the …

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Striking The Balance: UN Security Council Reform And Quest For Global Equilibrium – OpEd

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC), established in the aftermath of World War II, stands as a critical pillar of global governance, tasked with maintaining international peace and security. However, over the years, calls for reform have grown louder, highlighting the need for increased representation and effectiveness. While there is …

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The Decline Of Multilateralism: Unilateralism’s Impact On Conflict Resolution And Role Of UN – OpEd

In recent years, the international stage has witnessed a noticeable surge in unilateral actions taken by some of the world’s most powerful nations. Simultaneously, concerns have grown over the diminishing effectiveness of the United Nations (UN) in resolving and managing conflicts across the globe. This article discusses the complex interplay …

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Iran Refutes UAE’s Claim On Three Persian Gulf Islands

Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations firmly rejected the claims that an Emirati minister has made over three Persian Gulf islands which are part of the Iranian territory, slamming the comments as a violation of the UN Charter. “Iran regards such groundless statements as violation of the sovereignty and …

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Russian Black Sea Fleet Commander Killed In Crimea Strike, Ukraine Claims

The commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Viktor Sokolov, was killed in a Ukrainian missile attack last week on Russia’s fleet headquarters in the Crimean port of Sevastopol, Ukraine’s Special Forces said Monday. The Russian Defense Ministry has neither confirmed nor denied Ukraine’s allegations. Friday’s attack had targeted a …

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The EU and Azerbaijan: Time to Talk Tough

By launching a military offensive in Nagorny Karabakh, President Aliyev forfeited the trust of Europeans. Azerbaijan’s status as a transport hub cannot be a reason for the EU to go soft on Baku. The events of the last week are triggering a debate on the need for a deep reset …

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One year on, who blew up Nord Stream 2?

Non-state actors make the perfect saboteurs So whodunnit? Who destroyed the Nord Stream 2 at three minutes past midnight on September 26, 2021? Explosives set 262 feet below the surface of the Baltic caused a blast registering 2.5 on the Richter Scale. It ripped apart the $11 billion gas pipeline …

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Why the West’s elites invented a permacrisis

Our desperate rulers are clinging on to a dying world War, climate change, economic stagnation, political polarisation — there seems to be no shortage of crises these days. Indeed, the situation is so perilous that the rarely hysterical Financial Times last year named “polycrisis” one of its words of the …

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Armes laser russes testées avec succès en Ukraine. La science-fiction devient réalité

Que sait-on de ces armes sur la base de nouveaux principes physiques ? Enquête internationale approfondie. Alors qu’il s’adressait au Forum économique oriental au début de ce mois, le président russe Vladimir Poutine a annoncé que la Russie travaillait sur «des armes basées sur de nouveaux principes physiques» qui «assureront …

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Présence militaire française en Afrique : le problème ne se limite pas au Niger

Après deux mois de bras de fer avec les autorités nigériennes issues du putsch du 26 juillet, que Paris s’obstine à ne pas reconnaitre, Emmanuel Macron a enfin annoncé un calendrier de retrait pour les 1500 militaires français basés au Niger, où ils étaient restés présents dans un cadre juridique …

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