
North Korea, Russia and China: The Developing Trilateral Imperialist Partnership

We are increasingly greeted by stories of a developing partnership between Russia, China, and North Korea. Much of the world has isolated Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. Moscow’s constant targeting of civilians and its clear violations of international humanitarian law have only exacerbated this isolation. Running out of munitions …

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Western Balkans: From The Thessaloniki Declaration To The Introduction Of ETIAS – OpEd

The EU does not know what to do with the Western Balkans The 20th anniversary of the signing of the Thessaloniki Declaration[2] was recently celebrated in Thessaloniki, followed by the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF), and the summit of the Brdo-Brioni process in Skopje, while the summit of the Berlin process …

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Central Asian Regionalism After the 5th Leaders’ Meeting

Parsing what the consultative meeting in Dushanbe can tell us about the region’s present considerations and future indications. On September 14-15, in the Tajik capital Dushanbe, the fifth consultative meeting of heads of state of Central Asia took place. Expectations about it were quite high, and rightly so. First, this …

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Azerbaijan Unleashes Military Strikes Against Armenian Christians In Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan unleashed military strikes against an enclave of about 120,000 Armenian Christians in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region on Tuesday, shelling buildings and firing on Armenian military and civilian positions. The Azeri government on Tuesday called their strikes “anti-terror measures” against “illegal Armenian military formations.” Azerbaijan said the attacks will not …

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Abrams tanks to enter Ukraine soon, Austin says at Ramstein meeting

The M1 Abrams tanks provided by the United States soon will enter Ukraine and join the counteroffensive the country is mounting against Russia, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told world military leaders gathered at this U.S. air base Tuesday. Tanks arrived in May at the Army’s Grafenwoehr Training Area in …

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Azerbaijan Launches Offensive In Breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh, Children Among Casualties

(RFE/RL) — After weeks of bloody clashes, Azerbaijan on September 19 said it had launched an “anti-terrorist operation” in Nagorno-Karabakh, a major escalation in hostilities with Armenia as the breakaway region already teeters on the brink of a humanitarian crisis after being blockaded for more than eight months. The shelling …

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Azerbaijan Launches Clean-Up Anti-Terrorist Operation In Karabakh – OpEd

On Tuesday September 19, 2023, the Republic of Azerbaijan launched a military operation against terrorist Armenian forces in Karabakh region, which is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan sovereign territory but has been ruled by an ethnic Armenian “so called government” since 1994. AZERTAC reports that: The Ministry of Defense …

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The Poland-Belarus Border: A Whiff Of Pre-Election Propaganda In The Air – Analysis

In the face of hybrid threats from Belarus and Russia, the Polish government has been responding with increased militarisation and belligerent language about the defence of the eastern border from illegal migrants. But how much of this is a genuine effort to deal with the problem and how much electioneering? …

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Empowering Iraq: The $27 Billion Deal For Iraq’s Energy Sufficiency – Analysis

This past July, Iraq and France’s TotalEnergies finalized the Gas Growth Integrated Project, a $27 billion energy deal aimed at Iraq’s natural resources and improving the country’s electricity supply. Despite Iraq’s natural wealth, decades of conflict and corruption have limited the country’s infrastructure, prompting over-reliance on Iran for energy provisions. …

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Syrian jihadi group exploits poverty in Idlib to attract new members

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which controls Idlib, is taking advantage of the difficult living conditions of the people to attract more people into its ranks by offering high salaries. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is still the largest and most dominant faction in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, amid its continuous attempts …

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